Saturday, July 27, 2013

Is Your Office Equipment Making You Sick?

If you suffer from dust allergies, your office equipment could be making you sick. Dust allergy symptoms can include sneezing, runny nose, itchy, red or watery eyes, coughing, or asthma symptoms such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, dust mites are the most common cause of dust allergies. The allergic reaction stems from the proteins in the dust mite's body and feces. There are usually 100-500 dust mites in just one gram of dust (1 gram = 1 paperclip). Grossed out yet? There's more - each mite lives for 30 days and creates 10-20 waste particles/day. Female mites can lay 25-30 eggs during her 30-day life, perpetuating the dust mite population.

Office equipment attracts dust like a magnet. The fans used to keep the equipment from overheating constantly suck in dust, pollen, lint, and dirt particles, which can build up over time. Not to mention the static electricity associated with electronic equipment attracts dust like a moth to a flame. As a result, dust builds up on, in, and around your office equipment.

Regular Cleaning
Dust build-up can be minimized by regularly cleaning the equipment every month or so depending on the work environment. For example, a computer located in a middle school that has multiple users will need to be cleaned more often than a computer located in a clean office environment with only one user. Your laptop, computer, keyboard, monitor, desk phone, and cellphone can easily be cleaned using a damp cloth, condensed air, or mini vacuum. For the more high tech office equipment, such as copier, printer, server, fax machine, postage meter, alarm system, etc., consult the owner's manual for the correct method of cleaning and the types of cleaning agents that can be safely used.

And, don't forget to clean your work area regularly as well! Dust builds up on and around your desk, especially in the corners. Wipe down hard surfaces using natural cleaning agents or environmentally friendly cleaning products to reduce the chemicals introduced in the air. Keeping your desk clutter-free will help to reduce the buildup of dust and molds. However, vigorous cleaning can often pollute the air with more dust and worsen symptoms.

Cover Equipment
Once the office equipment has been thoroughly cleaned, it's a good idea to cover it with plastic or fabric dust covers when not in use. The dust covers protect against dust, dirt, lint, crumbs, and spills, all of which can shorten the useful life of the equipment. Dust covers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and can be custom made to fit each piece of equipment perfectly. If office equipment is being stored for any amount of time, please review the do's and don'ts for storing electronic equipment for more information.

Clean the Air
Another way to reduce dust pollutants and lessen the severity of your allergy symptoms at work is to use a desktop air purifier with HEPA filter. HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air and HEPA filters that meet US Department of Energy standards remove 99.97% of any airborne particles greater than 0.3 micrometers, while smaller or larger particles are trapped with even higher accuracy. When cleaning your office equipment or work area, be sure to set the air purifier on the high setting to help reduce to dust pollutants that are stirred up while cleaning.

If your dust allergy symptoms persist, consult a board certified allergist. They will be able to pinpoint the cause of your allergies and recommend a treatment plan to best suit your needs. Also, inform your employer of your allergies. They may be able to move your work area to a better ventilated part of the office or contact building management to make sure the carpets are vacuumed a couple of times a week and the air filters are changed regularly.

Do you suffer from dust allergies? How have you limited your exposure to dust at work? Please share you experience and tips with us here!

Corn Allergies and Corn Intolerance

Having a corn allergy is very difficult, especially if you are used to eating processed foods. Most processed foods in America contain some type of corn, whether it be corn syrup, citric acid, corn starch, or vanilla. Most people who are allergic to corn don't realize it because it is so ubiquitous. Once you know you are allergic to corn, avoiding it takes a certain amount of learning, patience and persistence.

According to the National Institute of Health, less than 1% of people are actually allergic to food. However, many more are intolerant to certain foods such as corn products, cow's milk or wheat. Whether you are allergic to corn or you are experiencing an intolerance, you should know the symptoms, and act accordingly to take charge of your health.

The easiest way to know if you are allergic to corn is to get an allergy test at your doctor's office. If you are allergic to corn, your doctor will help you review your options. Many people feel that complete avoidance is the key to getting better. If you decide to avoid corn, you will need to get very familiar with product labels as corn comes in many forms and your sensitivity may not be the same as someone else who is allergic to corn.

Another possibly less expensive option is to use a food journal to help you learn what you are allergic to. Eat only one item at a time and wait for a while. If you have a reaction, write down what you ate and what your reaction was to that food. Once you have a few days or a week's worth of data, you can probably figure out what is causing your symptoms. A quick way may be to take the foods that you love, the one's you simply can't stop eating, and cross check those foods. Chances are that they all have common ingredients that you may be allergic to.

Common corn allergy symptoms include, but are not limited to, headaches or migraines, sinus problems (stuffy nose, runny nose), tiredness after eating, cravings for foods that you are allergic to, and inflammation. Many people with allergies also tend to have weight problems, or difficulty losing weight.

Corn is here to stay and is a major part of our processed food industry for many reasons. It is present in nearly every food from cheese to yogurt, to chips and it's even added to soups and other canned foods. As a person who is actually allergic to corn, I can say that there may be one item per aisle in most grocery stores that actually does not contain corn. If you are suffering from a corn allergy or corn intolerance, watch food labels, get educated and find family members and friends who will support you. You can live corn free and gain your health back.

Allergy Information - All You Need to Know About Allergies and Their Symptoms and Treatment

Allergy information helps those afflicted with allergies to know exactly what is going on and, if necessary, what to do about it. You will want to know where and when you are most likely to come into contact with anything that could trigger your allergy symptoms and how to deal with symptoms when they occur. Allergies can be experienced through several means. They can be triggered though inhalation, ingestion, injection, and contact with the skin.

There is a whole range of severity when it comes to allergic reactions. Some are life-threatening while others are just bothersome. Where you fall on the continuum will dictate how you deal with your allergy symptoms when they occur. It is imperative that you get diagnosed and discuss this with your doctor because every person is unique, and their allergies are different. There is no one panacea that will work in every case. For some people, avoiding the cause and waiting out the symptoms or using an over-the-counter medication is the best way to go. Others with more severe allergies may require immediate medical attention. It all depends on you and your unique allergy situation.

The more you learn about your specific type of allergy and all the things that might be able to trigger it, the better off you will be. Some people are allergic to substances found in household products so you will want to do your homework. Just because you do not know that an allergen is present does not mean that it will not trigger symptoms just the same. The answer to allergies is information. The more you know about what causes it, what the reaction does, and how to deal with it, the more prepared you will be to get through the symptoms safely and effectively.

The questions you need to ask are what am I allergic to, is it, pets, dust mites, pollen, different types of food, mold, what are the symptoms and how do I treat them. The symptoms can vary from mild such as sneezing, coughing, itchiness, watery eyes, to the more serious symptoms such as swelling, particularly of the face and/or throat, to anaphylaxis, which can be a life threatening condition. Asthma symptoms are another serious complication that can be bought on by allergens and if either of these conditions occur emergency medical treatment should be sought immediately. The treatments can vary according to the type of allergy and the symptoms. Your doctor or allergist will diagnose your symptoms and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In the majority of cases, avoidance of the offending allergen is the best treatment. There are quite a few natural remedies and treatments available, such as acupuncture.

Can an Allergy Be Cured? Understanding Allergy Symptoms and Treatment

An allergy is a hypersensitive reaction to a certain substance which causes various disturbance in parts of our body such as head (fever, headache, migraine), airway (coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath/asthma to extreme case of anaphylactic shock), and digesting systems. The most common symptom in allergic reaction is rash and itchy skin. Any allergy whether it is milk, gluten, dog, cat, or even alcohol allergy, symptoms are a combination of the symptoms above.

These symptoms occurred because our body released certain chemical substances called histamine. Histamine is actually a defense mechanism, designed to protect our body from potentially dangerous chemical substance (in most cases, foods). Its excessive release is the main problem because it has direct negative affects to our mucous glands.

If the allergic reaction occurred, we usually take the allergic pills to 'cure' it. The pills are actually an antihistamine, made to reduce histamine release and/or negate histamine effects on our body. Knowing the nature of our body, anti histamines will lose their effect after continual usages. Over the counter antihistamine is also not recommended as allergy medicine for kids.

Nevertheless, no matter how many pills you took, you will never 'cure' your allergies if you do not understand your allergy to begin with. Starting point to cure allergy is to understand its nature. You see allergy is closely related to individual immune system. These immune systems divided to two main forms, complex cellular and humoral element. Each of these interacts directly or indirectly with various molecule structures (antigen) which our body considers as aliens.

To find exactly what made us allergic, we need bio-marker examination to cellular immune system (consisted of lymphocytes, phagocytes, T-cells, neutrophil, etc) and our humoral element (immunoglobin, antibody systems, etc). After we know which cells have caused the allergy, our physician can help us to get rid of it without drugs dependency.

Asides from looking its main cause, we also need the right meal controls to avoid immune systems' disturbance. Generally, these are the things we could do to start to cure our allergies:

  • If allergic reaction appeared, drink water as much as you can to dilute excessive mucus inside your body.

  • Avoid foods based from milk, wheat, eggs, chocolates, nuts, seafood, and citrus including oranges. Getting food allergy recipes are also good ideas to reduce allergy reaction.

  • Avoid deep fried foods or fatty foods because fat reduce our digestive systems capability to digest foods. This half digested foods could be deformed to 'poisons' which will provokes allergic reaction.

  • Avoid high carbohydrate consumption because carbohydrates will force our cells, especially its mitochondria (cell metabolism' core), to work heavier. This could cause antibodies and immune cells deteriorating, reduce their effectiveness.

How to Reduce Your Common Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms are commonly associated with various pollens, foods and other allergens and are a source of irritants to many people who suffer from allergies. Those who have allergies realize that there are times when it seems that their allergies symptoms are worse or triggered more easily than usual, but really aren't sure why. While there can be many reasons why allergies get worse from time to time for some people, there are, however, several common reasons that can be eliminated which can prove to be a relief to some sufferers.

Take Your Allergy Medications Before You Need Them

If you know you have allergies to certain pollens or environmental allergens, don't wait to start taking adequate medication when you first notice your symptoms. Allergy medications that block histamines work best when they have been in your body system for approximately two weeks before you actually need them. For instance, if you know you're allergic to rag week, be sure to start your meds 2 weeks before you notice a runny nose and scratchy eyes. A build up of histamine blockers work best when you already have them in your system before you start to react.

Don't Drink Alcohol

There is yeast and bacteria in alcohol which can raise allergic rhinitis in those who have allergies. Histamines are produced by the yeast and bacteria that cause symptoms like scratchy, itchy eyes and a stuffy nose. Drinking alcohol can make your general allergy symptoms worse.

De-stress Your Life

Researchers have found that stress may trigger the production of the blood proteins, lgE, that causes allergy reactions. If you have a dead line to meet at work or are particularly stressed and tired, you may notice that your allergy symptoms seem worse. The best way to calm your stress levels brought on by overwork or other tiring circumstances is to make sure that you get plenty of rest. Not getting enough sleep can make your symptoms worse, so be sure to get plenty of rest to help reduce your allergy symptoms.

One of the best ways to be prepared for seasonal allergy symptoms is to add these common sense steps to your arsenal of allergy relief. You will find that it's possible to reduce your common allergy symptoms by including minor changes in your lifestyle.

Dust Mite Allergy: Best Over the Counter Allergy Medicine

Typically, minor dust mite allergy symptoms begin with inflammation of the nasal passage. Often any minor agitation like this can be stopped immediately by leaving the area or going outside. If you do feel symptoms worsening such as itchy and watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and/or coughing it is best to take action so symptoms do not progress to something more serious. Taking the best over the counter allergy medicine available is often the best treatment method as the antihistamine/decongestant will eliminate the symptoms allowing you to breathe and feel normal once again. If symptoms do progress they may lead to an increase in pressure causing facial pain or even eczema (a skin irritation causing dryness, redness and often pain and sensitivity).

More serious symptoms can cause health problems or trigger a pre existing issue such as asthma. Dust mite allergy symptoms in this case may cause difficulty breathing, heavy coughing, and tightness in the chest. In a situation like this it is once again recommended to use the best over the counter allergy medicine available. Medical treatment is usually not required to eliminate the conditions but be sure to use a treatment such as antihistamine or decongestant in order to keep the symptoms under control.

When it comes to dust mite allergy symptoms there are two specific types of treatments that can be considered the treatment sources. As many of us know the most basic dust mite allergy symptoms cause our nose to itch and swell as well as release a clear, runny mucous. These effects take place due to our bodies releasing a chemical called histamine, therefore the first medication to focus on is antihistamines. In short, antihistamines block histamines from interacting with our nasal tissue. This relieves allergy symptoms and is not dangerous in any way to our bodies. It is in fact preventing our body's from attacking themselves, otherwise known as allergic reactions.

Best Over the Counter Allergy Medicine: Antihistamines

When using this treatment keep in mind that most antihistamines only need to be taken once per day to have a full effect (especially when dealing with dust mite allergies) on the body. Depending on what you are looking for the treatments are grouped into two categories; drowsy and non drowsy. Drowsy medications meaning the side effects will cause a sedative or tiring effect and non drowsy meaning there is no tiring effect on the body. The main side effects of antihistamines are often very mild and generally include as mentioned before, a sedative effect as well as dry mouth although it is barely noticeable. The treatment will also contain warning labels as to when it is best to use the medication but also who shouldn't be taking it. Every brand has different labels but generally it is best not to mix the medication with alcohol. If you do suffer from asthma as well then antihistamines are a must for keeping your allergies under control. The best over the counter allergy medicine for you will be one that works to free your breathing, which can be done by avoiding the dust mites as best as possible and by taking antihistamines regularly.

Best Over the Counter Allergy Medicine: Decongestants

The best allergy medicine when experiencing symptoms of difficulty breathing or catching your breathe is by far decongestants. Decongestants come in the form of drops and nose sprays and can relieve any form of stuffy nose or difficulty breathing immediately. While decongestants are a very useful product they should be used with moderation. It is best to take decongestants only on your worst days for allergy symptoms. They work as the treatment method specifically for dust mites because of how much dust mite allergy symptoms can vary, some days are worse than others. Decongestants when taken for more than 3 days can cause your body to rely upon them and you may feel your nose clogged or stuffy when getting off of the medication.

Decongestants work by narrowing the blood vessels within the lining of the nose. By narrowing the blood vessels the tissue within the nose decreases in swelling and allows more air to pass through, allowing you to breathe easy. Even though they are widely considered one of the most effective medications there are a few mild side effects. These side effects include nervousness and dizziness but once again are rare. In extremely rare instances they may cause the heart to race. Always remember to read the label of the medication you are taking.

For further information and guides on over the counter allergy medicines or dust mite allergies in general be sure to visit the dust mite allergy site.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Aspirin Allergy Precautions and Side Effects

Aspirin's main ingredient, salicylic acid is derived from willow bark. Therefore, you would think that a more natural substance would not cause harm to a person. But, salicylate acid, can cause allergy symptoms in people that range from mild to deadly. Aspirin was patented in 1900 by Bayer, making history as the first mass manufactured, relatively safe, (when compared to cocaine), pain reliever.

Salicylates are naturally occurring chemicals found in many natural plants and even the foods we eat. Some examples of these are: mint, menthol, peppermint, spearmint, and even sodium. Salicylates are found in artificial food colorings, many fruits, vegetables, cheeses, beverages, herbs and spices, and even delicious ice cream.

The symptoms of having an aspirin allergy usually consist of being allergic to the all natural ingredient, the salicylate acid. The symptoms range from mild to severe, such as acquiring a headache, asthma symptoms, nasal congestion, or itching. More severe symptoms are having difficulty breathing, passing out, and swelling of the face, mouth and tongue making it difficult to breathe and to swallow. This can also lead to very severe cases where people have a drastic drop in blood pressure, lose consciousness, leading to coma, organ failure. Even death can happen when a person is severely allergic to aspirin.

Mild symptoms of an aspirin allergy:

Runny nose
Stomach pain

Severe symptoms of an aspirin allergy

Chest pain
Difficulty breathing
Low blood pressure
Facial swelling
Tongue swelling
Rapid pulse
Severe hives
Severe wheezing


How can you protect yourself from developing an allergy to the active ingredient in aspirin? The first thing to do, is not utilize aspirin. Choose an alternate choice to alleviate pain such as taking ibuprofen, or acetaminophen, which do not contain salicylate acids.

You can also prevent an aspirin allergy by scouring the labels for the ingredients listed to avoid any contact with salicylate acid. Consulting with your healthcare professional is also a wise choice. She may be able to advise you on what you can and can't eat. It is very similar to a person who is allergic to shellfish, and must avoid eating shrimp, or lobster, or eating any foods containing these fish. A wise choice is to also to do the necessary research on the Internet to discover what foods, beverages and products need to be avoided. Willow bark and it's natural ingredient salicylate acid may be present in other products you never thought of such as your moisturizer, shampoo, or facial soap.

Penis Skin Allergies - Causes and Solutions

Reddened, swollen and itchy penis skin is no joke, and it can be an alarming experience. Many men have been sent into a panic over the appearance of dry and irritated skin of the penis, jumping to the conclusion that they have contracted a socially transmitted disease. In fact, in many cases, red and swollen skin is simply the result of penis skin allergies. Adverse reactions to environmental irritants are common, but with appropriate penis skin care, these should be short-lived and should not cause any lasting damage.

Symptoms of a penis skin allergy

Skin reactions to irritants are commonly referred to as dermatitis, an inflammatory condition that results in redness, swelling and intense itching. After exposure to an allergen, the skin may develop a spreading rash and/or a dry, scaly appearance. Men with darker skin tones may find that the skin in the affected area appears lighter than the surrounding tissue.

Adverse reactions may occur almost immediately or within a few hours after exposure. Scratching the affected area is unlikely to make the itching better and may damage the surface of the skin, causing bleeding, scabbing and further irritation that contributes to ongoing discomfort. If the urethra, or penile opening, is affected, painful urination may also occur.

Potential causes of dermatitis

A wide range of environmental irritants can cause contact dermatitis. These include everyday substances such as laundry detergents and fabric softeners, as well as bath soaps and other personal care products. Some men may be allergic to certain fabrics and experience adverse reactions to undergarments or other clothing containing nylon, wool, or latex rubber (often used in "stretchy" materials).

Latex condoms are also a common cause of penis skin allergies; in addition, contact with an allergen on the surface of a sexual partner's skin may lead to dermatitis. Men who urinate outdoors may accidentally come in contact with plants such as poison ivy or poison oak, which are also known to cause rash, inflammation and severe itching.

Reducing allergy-related reactions

It is not always possible to avoid all irritants, but certain precautions can be taken to help men who are prone to dermatitis avoid exposure to the most reactive substances. For instance, rinsing clothing thoroughly after washing can help to eliminate traces of detergents. Using a mild natural cleanser such as an olive oil soap may be less likely to cause irritation than ordinary soaps and shower gels, and wearing cotton or silk clothing close to the skin is also recommended. Men who have a latex allergy should opt for latex-free condoms. It is important to keep in mind that even those who have not previously had an adverse reaction to latex may develop a sensitivity over time, so men who develop allergic-type symptoms should discontinue its use and look for an alternative.

Men who develop respiratory symptoms in addition to a skin reaction should seek immediate medical attention to avoid a potentially life-threatening scenario. Those who come in contact with a known allergen should rinse the area thoroughly as soon as possible to minimize exposure. Symptoms such as itchy penis skin, redness and inflammation that do not subside in a day or so should be seen by a doctor to determine the exact cause.

Caring for the penis skin

When allergic reactions do occur, the immediate goal is relief. Scratching the area is a bad idea, but as previously noted, washing the affected skin to remove any traces of allergen is recommended. Applying a cold compress to the area or soaking in an oatmeal bath may also help to relieve the itching and burning.

A natural moisturizer such as shea butter may help to soothe irritation and redness, while the nutrients found in a high quality penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may speed healing, as well as helping to prevent scarring and improving the overall look and feel of the penis skin.

Celiac Symptoms Aren't Always Obvious and Are Often Misdiagnosed

Celiac, Gluten Intolerant, or Wheat Allergic?

Gluten intolerance does not necessarily mean you have celiac disease, but celiac symptoms and gluten intolerance symptoms can be similar.

A wheat allergy occurs when you have a histamine response to wheat itself.

It is very important that the correct diagnosis is made or the consequences could be deadly! Read on to discover the fundamental differences between the three conditions.

What is Celiac Disease?

According to recent medical research from the Mayo Clinic, 1 in every 133 Americans suffers from celiac disease.

Celiac disease (also known as coeliac sprue disease) is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the lining of the intestinal wall, in particular destroying the villi or tiny hair like fingers that reach out from the small intestine wall lining to grab and absorb nutrients from passing food. The cause of this autoimmune response by the body is when a celiac sufferer consumes gluten, and the body registers the gluten as a toxin. Gluten is the protein composite found in wheat and many other grains.

Over time celiac sufferers will have their immune system slowly kill off their intestinal villi. This is called villous atrophy. The worse this gets, the worse your digestive problems become, and the less able your body is to absorb nutrients from the food you are eating. A worst case scenario could lead to toxins from your food passing through your small intestine wall and into your blood stream.

Because celiac disease is a genetically inherited disorder, it is advisable to be aware of one's family medical history. Celiac disease in children is especially harmful as it can stunt their growth and impair other physical development.

Celiac disease is a disease that may lie dormant until a pregnancy, stress, surgery or childbirth triggers the onset.

Unfortunately, celiac disease is a lifelong affliction with no known cure, but a gluten free diet will eradicate celiac symptoms.

Celiac Symptoms

Those who suffer from the disease without showing any of the usual celiac symptoms drastically increase their risk of mortality due to the irreversible damage to the small intestines over time. Celiac symptoms can be numerous and not just limited to the usual digestive problems such as -

• Diarrhea

• Constipation

• Bloating and flatulence.

Once toxins pass into your bloodstream, additional symptoms can include -

• Fatigue

• Joint pain

• Breathing difficulty

• Headaches and migraines

• Gluten ataxia (cerebellum dysfunction caused by gluten)

• Autism

• Dermatitis herpetiformis (a persistent itch which blisters into a rash)

• Iron deficiency

• Even cancer!

And this is only a small selection of the 250 possible celiac symptoms!

What is Gluten Intolerance (Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity)?

Gluten intolerance is a food allergy to the gluten found in wheat and other grains.

A person with gluten intolerance may be able to consume very small amounts of gluten and follow a low gluten diet. The tolerance level varies with each individual.

The symptoms of gluten intolerance are very close to celiac symptoms and irritable bowel syndrome, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and flatulence, hence the problem for correct diagnosis.

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) may ultimately prove to be celiac disease once better forms of diagnosis are discovered, but at the moment it exists as its own diagnosis and medical condition.

Gluten intolerance is not considered life threatening.

What is Wheat Allergy?

This is a histamine response to wheat, much like a peanut allergy or hay fever. Wheat allergies manifest themselves in a wide variety of symptoms which differ between individuals. Some people experience hives while others might experience stomach pain, increased mucus production and even asthma. These reactions are not to be taken lightly as some cases may result in anaphylactic shock.

Misdiagnosis of Celiac Symptoms

If you think you are exhibiting any of the celiac symptoms listed, seek medical confirmation of your condition. Your doctor will request blood tests looking for abnormal antibody numbers and as confirmation, possibly a biopsy of your small intestine. Celiac disease is infamously under diagnosed as merely irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance. Celiac disease can be insidious, lurking under the radar for years while your body develops more and more severe long term consequences.

Celiac disease or coeliac sprue disease is not just a digestive disorder. Its consequences if left undiagnosed can prove fatal. In my own case, the symptoms were slight, but the damage done was severe.

Allergies to Antibiotics and Penicillin Rash Symptoms

If you or your child get strep throat, a bacterial infection, ear infection or a different breathing disorder, you may be prescribed the antibiotic penicillin to improve your health and kill the bacteria. It's important to know if you have an allergy to this antibiotic. For those that do, you may have Type E immunoglobulin antibodies that are produced which cause problems. In this case your body is reacting to the penicillin as though it's the enemy. Be aware that you need to amoxicillin will not be tolerated by your system as well.

An allergic reaction to penicillin may not appear immediately but may take a few to several days to be exhibited. It can show up as an itchy rash. If you notice any swelling of the face, throat or breathing issues you should seek medical attention immediately. Anaphylactic shock is serious and having one's airway obstructed can be an emergency situation. This usually occurs shortly after taking the medication whereas the antibiotic rash may not manifest itself for several days.

For a penicllin rash without any swelling complications, taking an antihistamine can relieve the itching.  For some people the rash is a severe form of hives. Others have milder redness and intermittent itching.  Your doctor will give you a different antibiotic to take that is in a different family or class. If you do have a penicillin reaction you should always indicate this on any future visits to a doctor, specialist or dentist. Sometimes antibiotics are given with generic names that are in the same class as penicillin and you may not recognize them. Bacterial infections need to be treated so don't refuse all medication out of fear.

The redness and itching from a rash due to an antibiotic is often treated with cortisone prescription creams, oral steroids or medications such as allegra to give your body relief. Children enjoy an oatmeal bath for it's soothing effect on the skin. Make it fun for them and don't dwell on the itching.  Note that the red rash may continue for a few weeks after stopping the precipitating medication as a drug rash can take some type to leave your system.

A General Look At Cat Allergy Shots

There are lots of people who love cats but the problem is they're allergic to them. The mere presence of cats is enough for them to have runny nose, watery eyes, and even sneezing so much more when they want to play with felines. The great news is medical technology created cat allergy shots to help individuals with this problem and enjoy their cats.

There are two types of shots for cat allergy but the approach of immunotherapy is the way to go if you want to stop experiencing cat allergy symptoms again. The first thing that will come into mind in thinking of these shots is their ability to treat these symptoms but immunotherapy shots will subject the body to allergens and help them prevent the symptoms in the long run.

Cat allergens are caused by serum produced by their bodies and thus irritating the human body either on the pulmonary system or skin. The shots will have this serum so the body will get it. Upon being presented with these allergens, the body will produce allergens which will fight it back. These cat allergy shots will be injected several times until the body develops the antibodies and until it's familiar with the allergen. With the allergen immediately being a familiar component, the body will not present allergy symptoms anymore. By this time, the patient needs not get new sessions of shots.

If you need to take these shots, the first sessions will be given approximately two times per week. This is the time when they will subject the body to a good amount of allergen serum and get used to them. The sessions may last for about six months or more depending on the body's reaction on these shots. This reaction would mean how fast the body will be familiarized with the allergen. The following year, they just need to get the shot once a week and then once a month for the next year. By this time, the body may have already been familiar with the allergen and does not show any symptoms even with the presence of cats.

So if you love cats but hindered to play or have them as pets because of allergic reactions, it's a good move for you to get cat allergy shots to free you from these allergic reactions. You can ask your physician or an allergist to help you get the best services and be assessed for this session.

Horse Allergy Treatment and Prevention

Just like humans, horses can have a number of different types of allergies. The most common types of horse allergies are respiratory and skin. Respiratory allergies are also known as 'heaves' and are often similar to asthma in people.

A horse can be allergic to things in the air (e.g. pollen, dust, mold, spores), certain foods or nutritional supplements, or insect bites. Normally, allergies develop over time with exposure. For example, a horse may not have an allergy to straw but if exposed to moldy straw over a long period of time may develop an allergy to straw mold.


Just as people can have many different allergic symptoms (itchy eyes or skin, bumps or rashes, difficulty breathing), horses can have a variety of symptoms as well. Common symptoms in horses include:

  • Coughing or difficulty breathing

  • Reduced energy, especially during exercise

  • Nasal discharge

  • Watery eyes

  • Skin bumps

  • Itchy skin. The horse can be seen rubbing itself on the ground or against objects, or its hair may be worn away where it has been rubbing.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to diagnose an allergy, as each of these symptoms can have other causes, aside from allergies. For example, a throat infection could cause coughing, or a lung infection could result in breathing difficulty and reduced energy. Diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that there can be a delayed reaction between exposure and a visible reaction. For example, symptoms of skin allergies (e.g. bumps) may appear 12 hours after exposure to the allergen (the substance the horse is allergic to). Consequently, one may need veterinary assistance to determine if the symptoms are due to an allergy or some other cause. In some cases (particularly in the case of skin allergies) the veterinarian may take a tissue sample for analysis to determine if the problem is allergic and if so to help identify the cause.

Treatment and Control

The treatment of horses for allergies is similar to the treatment for people. The preferred treatment is avoidance. On exposure, there are a number of treatments (e.g. anti-histamines or corticosteroids) to reduce the symptoms and make the horse more comfortable. There are also a number of desensitizing treatments.

Alternatively, if the symptoms are not severe, one can separate the horse from the allergen and allow it to recover normally. If the horse is allergic to something in the stable (e.g. dust, fungus, mold) one can let it out to pasture until it has had time to recover and one has had time to clean the stable. Alternatively, if the problem is in the pasture (some plant), one can place the horse in a stable until it recovers.

Depending on what the horse is allergic to, some common solutions are:

  • Hay dust. Try soaking the hay in water or find a supplier of less dusty hay. If this doesn't work, you may need to switch to an alternative food, such as pelleted hay.

  • Straw dust. Try lightly spraying the straw with water, to damp down the dust.

  • Dust. Keep the stable clean. If necessary, lightly sprinkle with water to damp down the dust.

  • Bedding. If the horse is allergic to its bedding, you can try another type of bedding. You may also want to consider rubber mats instead of bedding.

  • Insects. One can keep the horse in the stable when the insects are active (e.g. during the day) and let it out when they are inactive (e.g. at night). One can also use insect repellents or fly sheets to keep the insects off.

  • Mold or Fungus. This are normally associated with poor quality hay, feed or bedding. Do not buy any products with mold or fungus. Keep these products in a dry and well ventilated area, without sitting on a cold floor, so they do not develop mold or fungus. If you find any product which does have mold/fungus, do not use it but dispose of it instead.

  • Plants. If your horses are allergic to certain plants in the pasture, these should be reduced or eliminated. Be careful of using herbicides for this purpose as that can result in laminitis.

Note that in the case of watered hay or straw, one must ensure that the hay and straw is changed daily so that it does not have time to develop mold or fungus. 

Cleaning a stable tends to disturb dust, mold, fungus and other potential allergens. Consequently, one should always remove a horse from the stable while it is being cleaned and for some time afterwards (until things have had time to settle again).

Normally, a well ventilated stable will have fewer allergens than a poorly ventilated one. However, in the case of a dust allergy, increasing ventilation may make the situation worse (at least in the short term) as increased wind through the stable may stir up dust. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Five Great Tips To Control Your Allergies

Allergy is a common disease that can be suffered by many people around the world. Fortunately, there are some effective ways to treat manage your allergies. In this article, I'll share some excellent tips to help you to control your allergies.

1. Air Purifier with a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Arresting) Filter

There are many allergens, such as pollen, dust, and insect, that can exacerbate your allergy symptoms. If you want to remove them from the air, you need to use an air purifier in your house. Do not forget to use the air purifier with a filter. This filter is a powerful tool to improve the effectiveness of the air purifier to trap allergens from the air.

2. Steam Inhalation

Many doctors believe that inhaling the steam of some essential oils is effective to manage your allergy symptoms. There are many essential oils available in the food stores. If you want to apply this treatment, you need to use eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil, tea tree oil, and myrtle oil. Make sure that you mix them properly. Heat it up for a few minutes to get the steam from the mixture. Try to inhale the steam deeply for about 5 to 10 minutes. Do this step at least once a day and you can control your allergy symptoms effectively.

3. Honey

Honey is effective to prevent the allergy symptoms. It works by improving your immune system, so your body can fight against your allergies effectively. Make sure that you only consume honey from your local area because it works well to reduce your allergies.

4. Quercetin

This is a chemical substance that you can find easily in onions and apples. It is a natural antihistamine that can help you to prevent severe allergy symptoms. In order to get a good result, you should consume this compound at least twice a day. If you do not want to include apples and onions in your diet, you can still get this Quercetin from the commercial products. Try to consume those products to help you minimize the amount of histamine produced in your body. By doing so, you will be able to reduce the allergy symptoms that might happen in your body. Keep doing this to get maximum result in controlling your allergies.

5. Acupuncture

Try this treatment to alleviate your allergy symptoms. Many studies show that acupuncture is effective to treat your allergies because it can improve your immune system. By improving your immune system, you strengthen your body to fight against allergies.

Perfume and Cologne - Allergy Guide

In recent years, there have been growing concerns about the toxicity and allergenic potential of the many fragrance raw materials. This issue is complex; however there is no question that any chemical taken in large doses will harm you. It is also true that the doses of chemicals contained in perfumes and cologne, whether natural or synthetic, is not little. But perfumery materials are neither potent drugs nor potent toxins and the 10 milligrams of a mixture that is sprayed on your skin will dealt with by your body as part of its routine cleansing operations.

Almost everything has the potential to become an allergen. In general, if you are exposed to high doses of a particular chemical over numerous occasions, there is a small possibility that you will start to develop an allergy. For perfume and cologne, very often small doses of strong-smelling molecules are used and as a result it is unlikely that you will generate allergies through such exposure.

However, it is undeniable that a few unlucky people do suffer from acute respiratory allergies, which can obstruct airway and life threatening. For such people, I suggest they carry with them a list of known allergens when they are travelling around or shopping for a fragrance. In cases where it is too late to avoid coming in contact with the allergen, and you already started to seize with allergy symptoms, try to relax and change your location as soon as possible to get rid of the source of the allergen.

For the rest of the people, we normally risk skin rashes. We can either assumed everything as allergen free and spray the fragrance on fabric instead of on our skin when we know we have problems with some of the ingredients, else reduce the portfolio of the types of perfume we can choose from. Headaches are a common reaction by people who are exposed to a huge amount of fragrance. However, these are not allergic reaction but merely reactions due to your sensory input being overwhelm.

There is a special group of individuals that we have to take special care when exposing them to fragrances. It is know that people suffering from a certain medical conditions, such as autism, can make these individuals extremely sensitive to smells. There are cases where even a mild smell can seem like a great pain to such individuals. So the next time when you visit someone with a special medical condition, try not to wear any fragrance. It is also a kind of concern that we can project to the individual.

Help I Am Allergic To Tomato

If you have Tomato Allergy then you suffer from allergies Type 1 what is also called Contact Allergies. Since tomato and potato are related plants if you suffer from tomato allergies then the chances of you being allergic to potato is very good. A food allergy is triggered by a specific protein found in the tomato plant and why the body's immune system considers some food proteins harmful and others not is not fully understood by the scientific community.

The immune system can mount a variety of defenses mechanisms against proteins that is considers as harmful or foreign. Symptoms can be very mild to life-threatening depending on the severity of your allergies. They usually occur within a few minutes to a few hours after eating or inhaling the toxic protein.

The tomato plant is a member of the Deadly Nightshade family, which also includes the eggplant, tobacco, foxglove and potatoes. An allergy to tomato is rare and the worst parts of the plant for causing an allergic reaction seem to be the seeds, skin and juice. Some patients can ingest process tomato products such as tomato paste with little or not reaction, and yet, develop severe symptoms with fresh tomatoes.

Allergies can worsen over time. Not having an allergic reaction to processed or cooked tomato products today does not mean that you will not have one tomorrow. If you are allergic to fresh tomatoes are you willing to bet your life that the persons making your pizza did not drop a slice of fresh tomato after he finished cooking your pizza or that your allergy to processed tomato products is finally kicking in today. Avoidance of tomato-containing foods is the only effective treatment for people who are allergic to tomato.

No mater what type of allergy you are suffering from their is a good chance that you can find relief from allergy symptoms. Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with Allergies such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Glucosamine, Antioxidants, Allergy Aid, and Quercitin.

Vitamin A is a known antioxidant and can assist the human body in the healing process. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food. Vitamin B is needed to form red blood cells and keep nerves healthy.

Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system.

Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Many find Pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against allergy symptoms. It is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic Acid is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from allergy symptoms.

Substances called antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body.

Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb's to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb's help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.

Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms.

If you are Allergic To Tomato then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Allergies-Relief from Allergy - Its Symptoms and Medication

What is Allergy

An Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the body to certain substances, called allergens. These allergens can be of plant origin such as pollens, animal origin such as dander (scales shed from the skin, hair, or fur of animals), and insect origin such as the stings of bees and wasps, or the dust mites themselves. House dust, smog, smoke, and some strong odors may trigger allergies. Drugs like penicillins and cephalosporins evoke allergic reactions in sensitive patients. Food allergies are also extremely common and vary individualistically from animal sources like eggs, milk, and sea food to plant sources such as eggplant, drumstick, and wheat. Allergens can be inhaled, eaten, injected, or contacted by the skin.

Signs and symptoms of Allergies

The body's defense mechanism is considering simple and otherwise harmless substances to be potentially dangerous and is preparing for battle by producing a particular type of antibody called IgE in large amounts but in a way that on exposure to an allergen for the first time, only its memory remains. However, on subsequent exposure, an allergic response is manifested in the form of signs and symptoms depending on the tissue, organ, or system involved. All these are due to the release of a chemical substance called Histamine by some body cells under the influence of IgE, thus inducing congestion, excessive secretion, and muscle spasms. The most common examples are those of Asthma (a respiratory allergy with wheezing and breathlessness) and Eczema(a skin allergy with eruptions, itching, oozing, etc.)

Causes of Allergies

Although modern medicine claims that allergies and most of the other chronic diseases have a hereditary predisposition to blame, homeopaths and naturopaths all over the world believe that every disease is multi-factorial in origin. Health according to them is a dynamic state of physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium where a homeostasis is maintained in spite of a continuous influx and interaction of the opposing or negative energies with the life perpetuating ones through harmoniously orchestrated processes that are so subtle that they can hardly be perceived. In simple words, other than one's genes, the lifestyle, diet and regimen, psychological state of a person, and degree of exposure to toxins or irritants, together contribute to giving rise to an allergic personality. Thus logically speaking, it is the immunity at fault and not the allergen. In fact, observations show that in most cases, once an allergic disposition is acquired, the body gradually begins to react hypersensitivity to more and more substances so as to only add to the medical list of allergens. Hence, it can be easily surmised that the remedial measures must be capable of bringing the deranged immunity back to normal rather than expecting and advising the allergic patients to give up or stay away from all the probable allergens.

Auxiliary treatment of Allergies

It has been known for long that natural foods and natural living always pays off good dividends probably because Mother Nature completely shoulders our responsibility, but if it's the artificial that you cherish, then Mother Nature will see that you perish. One doesn't really need to browse through research documents to fathom the truth in this statement. All that one needs to do is to go into retrospect and compare his or her life with that of his or her grand parents. It's not that there were no illnesses then; however, those illnesses were genuinely caused by miasma such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. These days, the number of allergic and auto-immune disorders has gone up to such an extent that they beat all the natural causes.

Following is a list of probable underlying causes that set the background for the development of an allergy.

* Regular exposure to pollutants in air, food, water, etc.

* Sedentary lifestyle which leads to impaired blood circulation and poor oxygenation of the tissues.

* Lack of sleep.

* Injudicious administration of vaccines and allopathic medicines which are after all foreign proteins and chemicals which have the capacity to alter the immunity.

* Frequent negative or overpowering mental states such as depression, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, irritability, despair, jealousy, etc.

* Improper external as well as internal hygiene inclusive of proper bowel/bladder/sexual habits and avoidance of substance abuse in the form of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.

This article is a part of a health portal.

Sneezing and Wheezing More Than Usual This Spring? Natural Ways to Control Allergies

News reports from this year and last tell us that increasing numbers of us are experiencing seasonal allergies. If you're suffering and find that your prescription or over-the-counter medications seem ineffective, why not consider trying a natural remedy? Don't stop taking your medications, although you'll most likely want to let your doctor know what you're doing. After a time, you may find that not only your symptoms, but your need for medications, are greatly reduced.

Here are a number of natural methods to help you gain control over your allergies:

Reduce dairy consumption - One of the most effective ways to ease environmental allergy symptoms is to completely remove dairy from your diet. Dairy is a mucus-producing food and is considered quite inflammatory. Try completely eliminating cow's milk products from your diet for two months and see if it makes a difference.

Other food allergies - Many health practitioners agree that seasonal allergies may be related to food allergies or sensitivities. If you've tried removing dairy products from your diet and found no relief, you may want to try an elimination diet. This will involve eliminating from your diet for a period of time the foods that most commonly create an immune reaction. In addition to milk, these include eggs, nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat. A nutrition professional can help guide you through an elimination diet.

Honey - many allergy sufferers swear by eating honey that has been produced in an area local to them to reduce hay fever symptoms.

Omega-3 fatty acids - these help control inflammation and are available in a small number of foods, including cold-water fish such as wild salmon and tuna, walnuts, and flax seeds and flax seed oil. To be sure you're getting enough of this important nutrient, eat two servings of wild salmon each week, or supplement with cod liver oil or fish oil capsules.

Limit your exposure; - If you are a chronic allergy sufferer, avoid exercising outdoors, especially in the early morning, when pollen counts are highest. Avoid the outdoors particularly on windy days if your allergies are severe. Keep home and car windows closed, and wear a mask while performing yard work. You can take this a step further by limiting your exposure to toxins that may cause sensitivity, such as perfumes, household cleaning and laundry products, and scented candles and room deodorizers.

Neti pots - These have been used in India for thousands of years to keep the sinuses clear and seem to be gaining popularity here in the U.S. They are shaped similar to Aladdin's lamp, inexpensive, and available and health food stores and many drugstores. Instructions will be included in the box, but basically, you'll fill the neti pot using a mixture of non-iodized salt and lukewarm water and, leaning your head over the sink, pour half the saltwater mixture into one nostril, let it drain, and repeat on the other side with the remaining mixture. Use your neti pot twice a day during allergy season, especially after you've been outdoors.


An herb called stinging nettle leaf reduces the amount of histamine the body produces, reducing sneezing and itching due to hay fever. Stinging nettle leaf extract in freeze-dried capsule form can be taken in a dose of 300 milligrams daily.

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid, a phytochemical found in plant foods such as apples, onions, berries, grapes, teas, and red wine that supports the immune system and acts as a natural antihistamine. A normal healthy diet will provide about 25-50 milligrams of quercetin; if you choose to supplement this, be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the bottle.

During allergy season, increase your daily intake of vitamin C, which enhances the immune system. Most people can safely take up to 2,000 milligrams per day for short periods of time.

Here are a couple of other remedies that can ease your symptoms in the short term:

To ease congestion, add a few drops of an essential oil such as eucalyptus, peppermint, sage, lavender, or tea tree oil to two cups of boiling water and inhale the steam.

If you find yourself in the middle of a severe allergy attack, try this home remedy: drink an 8-ounce glass of water followed by a pinch of salt on the tongue every 15 to 30 minutes until your symptoms subside.

We're exposed to so many different substances each day that can over-stimulate our immune systems. You may never completely eradicate your allergies but, as you can see, there are many things you can try to reduce your symptoms and ease your suffering. Which will you try first?

Cat Allergy Symptoms

Cat allergy symptoms afflict many people. Sufferers are in real trouble if they happen to own a cat. This might not make sense to the ordinary person but to a cat lover it does. The symptoms may developed long after they have acquired their furry companion so getting rid of the rascal my simply not be an option. So for many cat lovers and owners living with cat allergies is a real problem that they have to live with.

Allergies in general are still not completely understood by the medical community. Inroads have been made but the fact remains that not enough knowledge has been gained on allergies to completely eliminate them. Some of the best experts on allergies in the medical community are themselves allergy sufferers. This in itself has allowed them to make the observations necessary to gain a better understanding of allergy symptoms.

Cat allergy symptoms can manifest themselves in many forms. They can appear singularly or in combination. They can come and go for no apparent reason. So you may have been mistaking your symptoms for a lingering cold and or a sore throat that comes and goes. A rash that sometimes responds to topical treatment and sometimes doesn't. Sneezing fits that you blame on dust or pollen allergies.

Some of the symptoms are clogged and ringing ears. Sneezing fits. Red and watering eyes. Burning eyes. Skin rashes. Cold-like symptoms. Sore throat. Sound familiar? If you are a cat owner and you have these symptoms on a regular basis that you may be suffering from cat allergies. You can however take steps to reduce your suffering and still keep your beloved friend.

Until recently the actual cause of the allergy symptoms was a mystery. People thought they knew but in the end no one really knew for sure what in fact was on the cat that was causing the suffering. Hair?small skin flakes? The cat box? It turns out it is the cats saliva that is the culprit. By licking its hair, which is a cats favorite past time, your cat is spreading the stuff that is the root of your suffering.

The best method of determining if you are suffering from cat allergies is to remove your cat from the house for about two weeks and vacuum and clean anything your cat is in contact with and see if the symptoms disappear or are lessened. Not doing a thorough cleaning defeats the purpose of this test. This is a common test for most allergy sufferers. Remove the suspect material and see if it goes away.

Assuming that you have made a determination that you are in fact suffering from cat allergies then the next question is what to do about it. The easiest and most complete solution short of finding your cat a new home is to make it an outside cat. This might seem like a great sacrifice to yourself but your cat may love it once it has adjusted. A cat door can be installed on a side room or garage so it can still come in from the weather.

Other solutions can be had but they are not as completely as effective as putting your cat outside. Vacuuming and cleaning your house more often helps. It's a lot more work for yourself but the allergen can be removed. Receiving medical treatment for your allergies can be effective if you respond positively to the treatment. Limiting your cats access to your whole house particularly your bedroom is a must.

Natural Allergy Relief - How You Can Relieve Your Allergy Symptoms Without Side Effects

People that suffer from severe allergies will do just about anything to alleviate their symptoms. The problem with prescription medications is that many of them have side effects and the most common side effect is to make you feel sluggish and drowsy which also makes it difficult to concentrate and dangerous to drive a car or operate heavy machinery. Because of this, many people look into options for natural allergy relief.

Allergy symptoms are caused by an overly sensitive immune system reacting to things like dust, pollen, pet dander, or mold. When these allergens are present your body releases histamine which can cause sinus congestion, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, headaches, trouble breathing, and other symptoms. Most prescription and over the counter medications for allergy sufferers are antihistamines which are drugs that occupy histamine receptor sites in the body that prevent histamine from causing allergic symptoms.

For people looking to avoid the common side effects of these drugs natural allergy relief is available in the form of various herbal supplements. The herb butterbur is a shrub that has been used for migraines, cramps, allergies, and asthma. Onion extract is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat bronchial conditions and cold symptoms. In addition to various herbal remedies many doctors believe that certain nutrients can be helpful for alleviating or preventing some symptoms.

One of the best methods for natural allergy relief is to not treat the symptoms but to remove the allergens from your environment so that you don't have to contend with these symptoms in the first place. The way to do that is by using a good air purifier to remove these contaminants from the air you breathe. A good HEPA air purifier will remove close to 100% of common allergens from the air in your home and help you stop your allergy symptoms before they start.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Allergy Testing By Skin Prick - Simple, Painless - Quick Results

Allergy testing has been progressing for over 100 years. Doctors and scientists have a difficult job looking to find the root causes of those symptoms such as running nose and streaming eyes, among several others. One third of Britons (around 19 million people) develop allergy symptoms, and are looking for effective answers through allergy testing.

Treatments and vaccines for hay fever, asthma and food allergies have failed to live up to expectation despite the huge amount of money we spend on them, and sufferers are left wondering where all the money pumped into research over decades has gone.

A high percentage of doctors and researchers are baffled at certain causes of allergies in many patients. Some people do react to certain events that trigger a group of reactions in their system, while the exact same events might not have any effect on others whatsoever. The difficulty in pinpointing the exact reason why someone is allergic to a particular food, insect or even house is a very complicated situation.

Many doctors advise that 'blood allergy testing' has to be employed to find out which allergy you suffer from, which takes longer than skin prick tests - but is extremely accurate. With the sheer amount of complex allergies in society today, it is a difficult and slow process finding out their source. Those who suffer allergies may have to wait a few decades for allergists to come up with answers.

There are several methods of allergy testing that are effective, quick, and cheap, but don't expect any miracle cure - as you will only be given advice on altering your lifestyle. These tests look for 'Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies' in the human system for allergens like pollen, common dust mites, indoor pollutants and pet dander. Variations of these tests like skin prick food intolerance testing are used to examine the complex subject of food allergies. Food allergy testing kits are said to be very accurate in their results, but it's surely better to seek advice from a doctor before you purchase one these kits.

Finding allergy testing centres in your area is straight forward. You can ask your own doctor or practice nurse if you are registered with a GP. A health visitor or school nurse can give you good advice about testing and effective Allergy Relief, or even your local family health service authority where you live. Failing that, just pop down to your local hospital reception or speak to a pharmacist.

Allergy testing kits are available to buy in chemists and on the web that will give you your results in a short period of time. Basic skin prick testing is painless and it's usually the first test advised by specialists when allergy symptoms are present. Taking antihistamines and various other medications like inhalers are prohibited for up to 1 week before the skin testing start day.

A very small droplet of allergen is placed on the skin inner forearm. Up to 30 allergens can be tested on the one arm, which is marked in various areas so the tester knows which allergen those results will come from. Using a specially designed very sharp lancet, the skin is lightly pierced at an angle of 90 degrees directly on top of the allergen drop. Simple, painless and quick diagnosis.

The main advantage of this type of testing is that results normally takes up to 25 minutes. A visible raised wheal and red flare activity on the skin means that the tester can effectively eliminate a realistic cause for allergic symptoms, or diagnose you as positive for an allergy.

Allergy Patch Testing

Another relatively easy way to test for allergies is 'patch testing', which is carried out to determine whether allergies are present through dermatitis (Eczema). Tiny droplets of allergen are spread in a 'Vaseline mixture' which is applied to small metallic discs. These discs are usually taped on the patients back area, and left there for a few days. The patient comes back to the specialist after 2 days for removal and inspection in case of swelling and redness.

After another 2 days, the back is thoroughly scanned for signs of skin reaction to the small amounts of allergens that were applied there earlier. 'Atopy Patch Tests' (APT) on the skin can also be implemented to find out if reactions to foods are present. They are usually used to identify other allergens such as metals, rubber/latex and certain beauty cosmetics. Please note there are several more allergy testing methods available today.

How to Treat Crohn's Disease and Allergies With a Little Known Powerful Antioxidant

Many people who have Crohn's also suffer from another autoimmune related condition, which are allergies. I have personally suffered from both conditions for most of my 59 years. Over that time, the only treatments available to me were either routine allergy shots or various antihistamines, either prescriptive or the over-the-counter.

Allergy shots were effective for a while, until the doses were increased to the point where a bad reaction was experienced, landing me in the emergency ward. This is a very logical result however, because you have to receive allergy shots in increasing doses with the very thing that you are allergic to in order to build up an immunity. The reaction was severe and scary enough to convince me that I could no longer continue the shots. In addition, it became increasing inconvenient to schedule the costly office visits around my work schedule, and dealing with the unpleasant side effects of a sore and itchy arm after each shot.

The antihistamine drugs prescribed to me were effective in controlling my allergy symptoms, but left me drousy and lethargic after taking them. Often it was hard to concentrate at work and difficult to resist the urge to fall asleep, both situations I could ill afford.

I have found the natural antioxidant OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin), consisting of wine, grape seed extract and pine bark, to be surprisingly as effective as allergy shots and drugs but without the harsh side effects. Why, because of the way OPC handles the histamine problem characteristic in autoimmune diseases. When allergic reactions occur in the body, there is a release of inflammatory chemicals, namely histamine. It is the histamine that triggers the allergic symptoms; the runny nose, wheezing, watery and itchy eyes. Also with Crohn's Disease, it is the histamines that do damage to the body, causing inflammation, pain and other symptoms. The powerful antioxidant OPC significantly reduces the formation of histamine naturally, which means none of the side effects to contend with mentioned earlier.

Many people who have taken OPC products, often not only experience relief from allergies but report, feeling delightfully energetic at the same time. This is because of the high content of free radical scavenging properties found in OPC.

Facing the Facts Of Gluten Allergy

Food allergy remains one of the most persistent forms of allergic reaction. No one knows why people have certain allergic responses to different types of food. But it is a fact that once a person is exposed to the food allergen, the symptoms will surely follow.

Gluten allergy is a food allergy that makes the sufferer sensitive to gluten. Coeliac disease is a health condition in the small intestine. What happens to a person with gluten allergy is once the allergen comes in contact with the small intestine, it causes the immune system to attack the lining of the bowel.

This attack on the small intestine's lining of the gluten allergy sufferer weakens the stomach and can cause serious health problems in the future. The delicate lining is responsible for the absorption of nutrients and vitamins in our body. Once it is weakened, we lose our capacity to effectively turn food into energy,

Gluten allergy starts at a young age, right after the weaning period and the mother is feeding the baby with cereals. There are no specific reasons why a person develops the gluten allergy but when it happens, the only thing the gluten allergy sufferer can do is avoid gluten at all cost.

Symptoms of Gluten Allergy

Gluten is usually found in wheat products. Breads, pasta and other baked goods can be considered dangerous to a person with gluten allergy. Biscuits, pastries, breakfast cereals and instant soups and sauces also have gluten. The symptoms of a gluten allergy differ from children and adults.

Children with gluten allergy may suffer from slow physical growth, weight loss, with poor appetite. Gluten allergic symptoms also include vomiting and diarrhea. Because the small intestine's lining is damaged, the vitamins and minerals do not go to the body. The kids end up looking thin, pale and have no energy at all.

In adults, gluten allergy symptoms are similar, with loss of weight, diarrhea or constipation complicating the disease. Aside from this, adults often complain about depression, extreme fatigue, lethargy, bone pain and ulcers in the sufferer's mouth.


Treatment for gluten allergies begins like all other food allergy, avoiding contact with the allergen. There are certain food substitutes for gluten allergy sufferers like using sunflower oil instead of the usual cooking oil and drinking wines instead of beer.

There are medications available to these sufferers. But unlike other food allergies that show external symptoms like rashes, gluten allergy destroys from the inside, making diagnosis and detection hard. Oral medication can help ease the pain from the small intestine and vitamin supplements must also be taken along with it.

Gluten allergy prevention

Gluten allergy sufferers are asked to be vigilant in monitoring their diet. Reading the labels for anything with wheat is a good start. Self-discipline is the key to beating gluten allergy. The food selection for coeliac disease sufferers is still varied like fruits, salads and vegetables, rice, corn, nuts, meat and chicken eggs and dairy products, fish and seafood.

What could be the worst-case scenario for gluten allergy sufferers? If left untreated, coeliac disease can result in anemia, bone disease and some form of cancer. The best advise is to steer clear of gluten-laden foods. The more the person does not intake gluten, the better their chances of not having a serious health problem in the future.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Using Homeopathic Medicines For Your Allergy Relief

When people think of homeopathic medicines, they think of various types of allergy relief that can be used to help year round symptoms of allergies. Many of them available turn the fungus or bacteria against itself. This homeopathic method helps turn the body into its own best defender against pesky allergy symptoms.

Many people turn to homeopathic relief in terms of allergies because they are tired of the conventional approach taken by drug companies to cure minor symptoms of allergies. Most drugs on the market today alleviate some of the symptoms, but they typically ignore or leave the rest for the entire season while never really providing complete allergy relief. Such an approach to allergy relief is, thankfully, very different.

An allergy homeopathic doctor will typically start by running a series of blood tests. These blood tests will help the doctor work out what the best segments of treatment are for your particular allergy. These blood tests also eliminate the "competition", so to speak, and allow for a clear consensus in terms of what is causing your allergic reactions. After eliminating the usual suspects, the doctor is free to prescribe medicines for such allergy that best suit your symptoms and the exact cause of them.

From this standpoint, allergy homeopathic medicines can be prescribed with full knowledge of the allergic reactions involved. The doctor will have done the research and will have determined, because of the results of the blood tests, the best course of treatment involving these medicines. This trend typically goes against the grain of "blanket treatment" in terms of typical allergy symptoms. Instead, it is a highly personalized treatment, enabling the sufferer to actually feel the difference in specific and personal ways.

Good allergy homeopathic medical treatment takes the specific nature of the allergy symptoms into account and includes all of the variables of the patient. This means that, instead of taking one pill or substance, the patient is able to enjoy treatment that is specifically designed for his or her allergies based on blood tests and comprehensive research and results. This notion of personalized care makes for many happy patients and a greater level of success in terms of treating allergy sufferers and their often disabling allergy symptoms.

Homeopathic medicines are a great way to take on your allergy symptoms and issues. With a simple blood test and a few questions, you can provide your medical professional with all of the information they will need to set up your treatment. Homeopathic medicines introduce a whole new realm of possibilities to the world of allergy treatment, leading to better relief for allergy sufferers and hope for those with chronic conditions.

Homeopathic medicines often come in the form of injections that deliver the medicine straight into the bloodstream where it is most effective. There are alternatives, however, including pills and other ingested forms. Ask your doctor about which method of taking them is best for your allergy and for your personal taste.

Dust Mite Encasings - A Possible Reason for Your Morning Allergy Symptoms

Are you waking up in the morning with allergy symptoms such as headache, sneezing, running nose or clogged sinuses? If this is happening regularly every morning, then I would suggest visiting your doctor because you are probably allergic to something around you.

As the dust mites cover pretty much all the area around you while you sleep, one of the common allergies with these symptoms is allergy to dust mites.

What are dust mites?

Dust mites are small, hardly visible bugs about one-third of millimetre big. As they are feeding of human skin, such as flakes from dead skin, they become quite comfortable to live around humans. They live only from two to ten weeks in average, but can lay millions of eggs and can spread quickly. The most common places you would find them are:

- Mattresses, bedding, duvet and pillows
- Carpets and upholstery
- Sofas and sofa pillows

Diseases and allergy to dust mites.

These creatures cannot cause imminent danger by directly threatening your life, but can significantly increase chances of nasty diseases such as asthma or long-term allergies. They can also cause your skin to itch and eczema.

Dust mites prevention.

As these creatures spread very quickly, the best way for prevention is constant eradication and hygiene. There are many ways how to get rid of them naturally.

1. Vacuum cleaning of carpets, sofas and upholstery.

The remains and other dirt produced by mites might cause allergy reactions. Breathing this dirt can clog your lungs, too. In order to get rid of all this dirt, you need to vacuum all places of possible presence regularly.

2. Expose them to extreme temperatures for a certain period of time.

Dust mites have hard time to survive in extreme temperatures. Exposure for longer than 60 minutes is killing them effectively. They will not last in any temperature below 0 or above 60 degrees of Celsius. Therefore:

- Do your laundry at the highest temperature as possible.
- Put your bedding in tumble drier after being washed.
- Iron your pyjamas with steam.
- Put your clothes and bedding outside on frost during cold winters.

3. Use anti dust mite mattresses, duvet and pillows.

Modern technology gives us a hand by fighting these creatures with anti dust mite equipment. These will provide a barrier and protection by preventing the allergen transfers and exposure.

If you are feeling the similar symptoms every morning, then something is not alright. This is a good time to get started. By thorough cleaning of your household environment as described above, you can easily prevent suffering from these nasty creatures and diseases.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Yeast Allergy

Several people suffer by yeast allergy. Candida yeast is found in our digestive tract. Yeast is found and exists all over body. Exceed growth of yeast in the body cause yeast allergy. However overgrowth of yeast production causes the immune system to react severely to produce allergic reaction.

But overgrowth of yeast produce yeast allergy is not yet proved. There are so many other possibilities of yeast allergies such as intake of foods which contain yeast. The yeast ingredient produces yeast allergy through contact with the skin.

Symptoms of Yeast Allergy

There are common symptoms of yeast allergy such as eczema, headaches, skin rashes, fatigue. Some symptoms are unable to focus particularly by any activity but sometimes change in appetite occurs. It is very difficult to determine symptoms which are unable to focus. It is necessary to find out exact cause of allergy for correct diagnosis.

A common symptom of the yeast allergy is found like headache. Bad night sleep or hectic day schedule may cause feel of extreme tiredness due to change in appetite. For correct diagnosis allergist must watch these symptoms very closely and neatly. Allergist must identify allergen and seek a treatment for yeast allergy.

Yeast Allergy Treatment

For treatment of yeast allergy it is very necessary to find out and identify yeast allergy symptoms. Unfortunately inadequate information about yeast allergy there are very limited types of treatments and preventive measures available. Radical change in diet where yeast is excluded from the diet is most commonly known treatment.

We can not stop yeast grows naturally in our body but we can try as much as possible to avoid its intake in food and restrict the excessive growth of yeast.

Helpful Tip

Yeast allergy is very painful and often long term in special case vaginal yeast infections, if not determined as early as possible. A woman is the most common victims of yeast allergy in case overgrowth of yeast in the vagina. In these cases locally and orally with drugs are prescribed by the allergist. Some time in women yeast infections occur due to milk and other food items.
Be careful about what you eat, as it will help you to prevent this allergy. Especially if you are aware that you have some type of allergies, it will be helpful to detect an allergy when it occurs and thus can be diagnosed.

Alcohol Allergy No More

When you drink do you get any of these symptoms of allergies to alcohol?

The wide range of symptoms associated with an allergy to alcohol include the most common red face and red patches on the skin of other parts of the body. An alcohol allergy can be of varying severity from mild and uncomfortable, such as red face, congestion, and itchy skin to intense and dangerous such as trouble breathing and vomiting.

The reason for this reaction to alcohol consumption is the body does not produce enough of an enzyme called Aldehyde Dehydrogenase whose job is to break down alcohol. People refer to this as Asian Alcohol Flush Reaction or Asian Flush for short. Nearly half of the Asian population has this condition which corroborates the idea that the alcohol allergy is indeed genetic.

You have to remember that alcohol is a totally unnatural substance and foreign invader so you could say that people who suffer from alcohol allergy have more finely tuned body defenses. In addition to the mere annoyance these alcohol intolerance symptoms produce on a more serious note your risk for mouth, throat, and stomach, cancer is greatly elevated if you do not do something about it.

There are 3 things you can do to stop the short term symptoms of an allergy to alcohol as well as the long term health risk.

  • Quit drinking. A choice many people would prefer to avoid, at least for now.

  • Take Zantac or Pepcid prior to the consumption of alcohol to reduce allergic reactions but its effectiveness is unreliable and varies from use to use.

  • The 'Asian Glow Cure' will instantly end all of these symptoms of an allergy to alcohol with the added bonus of reducing your hangover the next day as well.

Most Common Cause For Red Eye Symptoms

Allergies are the most common and probably the most complex cause for red eye symptoms. In general, allergies are poorly understood, for example we can not fully explain or cure many allergy induced disorders such as asthma, rosacea or chronic urticaria.

We can be allergic to almost anything, some researchers now believe that Rosacea is caused by an allergy to microscopic mite (Demodex folliculorum) that lives in the hair follicle. Knowing that eyes also provide a broad surface area for the collection of any airborne allergens it would not be surprising that some hidden allergy may be responsible for the adverse reaction, as people may experience allergic reactions limited solely to ocular tissues.

Perennial allergic conjunctivitis may last throughout the year and although itching is the key symptom for diagnosing ocular allergy disorders it is often absent in allergic conjunctivitis. Some types of allergies, for example hay fever, make the eyes itchy, while others may merely produce a chronic redness. It's not only invisible microscopic particles that are all around us and abnormal immune system that may cause red eye symptoms, hidden food allergies may also create an allergic reaction of the eyes with usual symptoms such as itchy or red eyes.

The first line treatment is identifying allergens and avoiding them. The most popular medicines used in ocular allergy treatment are artificial tear drops (such as systane, theratears or refresh endura) and Patanol which is a combination of anti histamine and mast cell stabiliser. People who do not respond well to first line treatment may be prescribed with Alrex, which is a corticosteroid approved by FDA for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.

Long term use of corticosteroids have serious side effects such as elevated eye pressure or a possible development of cataract, therefore some specialists use Restasis (cyclosporin) for long term anti inflammatory effect, especially when dry eye symptoms are observed. A new possible trend in allergic eye inflammation treatment may be anti - immunoglobulin E medicine (such as Xolair), which is currently only approved for asthma.

Can You Be Allergic to Sunshine?

Allergies affect millions of people worldwide with symptoms of itchiness, burning and skin rash. And we all know that sunlight exposure can produce the same symptoms of itchiness, burning and skin rash and so we ask the obvious question, are we allergic to sunshine?

Sunshine Allergy?

Let's look at the mechanics here. The sun produces both visible light spread out in a spectrum of colours from red to violet and beyond that there is an invisible and very real spectrum below red, called infra red and above violet called ultra violet. All of this spectrum affects us although in different ways.

The invisible infra red is received by the skin cells and turned into the sensation of warmth, visible light is received by cells in the retina of the eye and turned into visible light and ultra violet is received by skin cells and turned into vitamin D.

And of course you can have too much of a good thing so too much sunlight can produce sun burn with painful blisters and peeling especially in folks with sensitive skin.


Sunburn is overindulgence in the sun. It is overdoing things which we can expect to lead to trouble but a sun allergy or photosensitivity is different. Like an allergy it is an exaggerated response and a response to something we regard as harmless. And like an allergy it can be triggered by a small dose - in this case of sunshine. This exaggerated response is called photosensitivity.

Whether photosensitivity is a result of metabolic disorders or an effect really caused by environmental factors and only triggered by the sun is not clear. There is a confusing maze of terminology to navigate by anyone wishing to find out more.

Certainly we can say that some people do get symptoms that look and feel like an allergy when exposed to even small amounts of sunshine. We can also say that some experts regard sunshine allergy as a kind of delayed allergic reaction, which is a different process to the usual IgE mediated process of a conventional allergy.

People with such concerns need some expert help. A dermatologist is an obvious person to consult but I would also advice an expert nutritionist or naturopath. The skin is our largest organ and like any other organ needs a range of nutrients for its own health and optimal functioning. Adding extra anti-inflammatory nutrients to your existing diet and perhaps optimising your diet for better skin health may well be all that is needed. And all of us with sensitive skin can benefit by removing personal care products with irritating ingredients - after all the less stress our skin has to bear the better it can do its job and the better it can look too.

Treat Allergies Without Chemicals

Allergies cause your immune system to respond to a substance abnormally. They can produce severe reactions. Difficulty swallowing, problems breathing, swelled tongue, swelled throat and fainting is a few of the symptoms that allergies may cause.

One particular type of allergy is mold. Mold is a fungi that multiples by expelling spores into the air. It can grow inside and outside of your home. Outside mold can grow on leaves, rotting logs and damp shady areas. People allergic to mold should not do lawn or garden work. Don't hang your laundry outside because allergens will gather on them. Inside mold can be found in places where there is moisture. Bathrooms, air conditions and garbage pails are a few areas where mold can develop. A few things you can do to control mold is use exhaust fans in your bathroom and kitchen. Run an air-conditioner or dehumidifier. Also, vacuum your home on a regular basis.

In most areas mold symptoms are active in the spring to late fall. The only time mold can thrive all year long is in locations that are warm. The mold can't become dormant if there is no frost.

Symptoms from mold allergies can affect your ears, nose and throat. A runny nose, ringing in the ears and dry tickling throat are some of the indications that might have a mold allergy.

A few people have allergies to mold from food. Look at the food but do not smell it. You don't want to breathe in any mold spores. Check foods like mushrooms, cheese, buttermilk and sour milk.

Traditional medicine recommends taking antihistamines to help alleviate allergy symptoms. Some people would rather not put chemicals into their bodies. Several options are available to treat mold allergies naturally. One of these is called homeopathy. Homeopathy cares for your health using a safe method that is gentle to your system. It uses small amounts of plant, mineral or animal substances. This therapy looks for the underlying cause of your symptoms instead of covering them up.

The homeopathic notes all your symptoms and whatever problems you may be having. Then they match them to one of many remedies at the correct dose. This stimulates the body's own healing power.

Allergies should be treated with an experienced homeopathic practitioner. If you don't want see a practitioner, you could treat yourself. Make sure your symptoms correspond with the ones on the bottles. A natural medicine called Homeopathic USA is an excellent choice. They are comprehensively formulated so they have stronger results.

Another option to help your mold allergies is acupuncture. Acupuncture started in China more than two-thousand years ago. It is now a very common medical practice. Acupuncture can decrease allergic reactions. Occasionally, it may help the person tolerate what cause the reaction in the first place.

Thin, solid, metallic needles are inserted into the body. Different methods are used to stimulate anatomical points on the body. The needles are maneuvered at a certain depth and direction depending on the persons make-up. Most people feel no pain or very little.

Some practitioners may use a combination of Chinese herbal formulas along with your acupuncture treatment. The herbal formula is balanced so there is a low risk of side affects.

Understanding The Dairy Allergy Symptoms

Who Are The People Most Susceptible To The Said Disorder?

Unfortunately, the children or the young are the ones prone to having the disorder. Some children may get over it as they grow old, while some continues having the said disorder until they reach adulthood.

This type of disorder does not mean that you are intolerant to all dairy products. It just means that your body is incapable of taking in dairy elements because it targets the immune system and the blood. Most often than not, children who are lactose intolerant are the ones prone to having dairy allergy symptoms.

What Are The Common Dairy Allergy Symptoms For Children?

Itchy skin
Red rashes all over the skin
Runny nose
Watery eyes (sometimes it can also itch)
Nasal congestion
Abdominal cramps
Difficulty in breathing
Swelling lips
Swollen tongue

These are just some of the different dairy allergy symptoms for children that you have to look at. Normally, the dairy allergy symptoms will arise in just a few minutes after feeding on foods that contain dairy elements. But there are also times when the effects will occur a day after the consumption.

Can Babies or Newborns Have The Allergy?

It is somewhat rare for babies and newborns to experience dairy allergy symptoms. However, the possibility is always there. Some of the signs may include fussiness, diarrhea, vomiting, and more. If you are suspecting your newborn to have the disorder, immediately bring your child to the nearest health care provider.

What To Do

Preventing the signs to show up will involve the avoidance of such food products and reading the labels of food products that you buy for your child. You may also speak with your child's health care provider in case of severe conditions, because helpful recommendations can be given to you, and avoid the risk of a more severe condition. Your doctor will also give you a list of food products that can be a great alternative to foods that you cannot eat due to the disorder.

The condition is no doubt to be deadly or life threatening, especially that the affected individuals are young and might not have fully developed immunes system yet. It may instantly clog the airways of the child and cause difficulty to inability of breathing in just a matter of a few minutes.

In case you have observed any of the said dairy allergy symptoms to your child, make sure to bring him or her immediately to the nearest emergency care facility, so that proper care and treatment will be given.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dryer Vents - Reduce Fire Danger, Save Energy and Help Asthma and Allergy Symptoms

The dryer vent pipe is an often overlooked fire hazard and energy eater. Moisture and lint can gather in the folds causing a potential fire hazard and restricting air flow making your dryer run longer consuming more natural gas and electricity. I see over 200 houses every year and one of the most common and potentially dangerous problems are incorrect dryer vents.

You need to replace your dryer vent pipe if it

  • is made of flexible plastic or foil 

  • has more than two 90 degree elbows 

  • is more than 12 feet long 

  • uses metal screws 

  • the laundry area is moist, humid and covered in lint

Flexible foil or plastic vent pipe looks like the arms on the robot from the TV show Lost In Space. People use these because they are so easy to install. Every turn or elbow will slow the exhaust air. Longer lengths will cause moisture in the air to condense giving lint a chance to catch and build up in the pipe. The longer length will also make your dryer work harder. The sharp point of metal screws in the pipe will catch lint. If there are leaks in the pipe the added humidity will provide a perfect environment for mold and mildew growth and Carbon Monoxide will also be pumped into your house if you have a gas dryer. Asthma and allergy sufferers should pay special attention to the dryer vent pipe.


A proper dryer vent will

  • be made of solid metal pipe

  • not have more than two 90 degree elbows

  • not be more than 12 feet long (check local building codes at your city building inspection department)

  • use metal tape to seal and secure all joints

All the supplies and tools can be bought at the local hardware store. Aluminum pipe is much easier to work with. It comes flat for cutting and then is rolled so one edge can be inserted into the other crimped edge. Pre-made elbows are used. The pipe and elbows both have one end crimped so you can fit the smaller crimped end into the larger non-crimped end.

The metal tape has a backing that peels off and sticks to the pipe holding it securely. You will need to buy tin snips or aviation side-cutters (this type looks like it has a 45 degree bend and will keep your hands above the material) and a crimping tool to reduce the diameter of cut edges. Remember to fit the small end of the pipe into the large end so the edges do not block air flow and catch lint inside the pipe!

I once saw a condominium with a vent pipe that was over 30 feet in length. You may have to move the dryer across the basement near an outside wall which would mean the gas and electric supplies will have to be altered by a licensed contractor. Homes with first or second floor laundries may need special attention. And never exhaust the dryer into a garage or attic!

Food Allergies and Overeating: What's The Connection?

We all have our favorite foods. For me, freshly baked bread and scones top the list. And for some of us, once we start eating these foods, we can't stop. It's as if they're calling to us. Before we know it, we've eaten the whole carton of ice cream, or polished off the entire bag of cookies. Even though we may overeat other foods, with these particular foods we feel compulsive and addicted. We've learned it's best, if we can, to keep these foods out of the house.

If you tend to feel compulsive with certain foods, there is a good chance that you may be allergic to them. When you think of allergic, you most likely think of unpleasant symptoms such as hives or rashes. But did you know that not all allergic reactions are unpleasant? You may in fact feel better after eating foods you are allergic to. This reaction is called "allergic addiction." In an attempt to soothe the irritation caused by allergic foods your body releases powerful soothing brain chemicals. And over time you can become quite addicted to these pleasurable chemicals.

So, what exactly is a food allergy? It's an unusual sensitivity to a particular food. Whenever an allergen is encountered, your immune system is activated and a flood of body substances, like histamine, will be released. These substances will expand blood vessels, causing inflammation, overproduction of mucous and discomfort. You may experience this inflammation as a runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, nausea or even clogged airways.

Clearly, if you felt this bad every time you ate something, you probably wouldn't eat that food anymore. But there are other unpleasant symptoms you may not associate with food allergies. These include: compulsive food cravings, water retention, irritability, foggy head, fatigue, sinus problems, headaches, bloating stomach aches, anxiety, depression and arthritis. And the list goes on.

When we continue to ingest food allergens on a regular basis we eventually tear down our immune system and disrupt our metabolism, which can result in weight gain, inflammation throughout the body and chronic disease. While many of these symptoms could be caused by conditions other than allergies, it would be wise to explore the possibility of a food allergy with your healthcare provider or by home testing.

The most common causes of food allergy are: wheat, cane sugar, dairy products, eggs, fish and shellfish, tree nuts, alcohol, berries, citrus fruits, peanuts, tomatoes, soy, yeast, food additives and pesticides. Food allergies can be a lot more challenging to identify than allergies to airborne substances like pollen. There is often a time delay in the onset of symptoms, from hours to days, making it difficult to trace the cause. And symptoms may come on slowly after many years of daily ingestion of particular foods to which you are sensitive.

Most physicians admit that conventional skins tests are unreliable for food allergies. There is a family of blood tests known as ALCAT which measure allergic response to various panels of allergens, including foods. Saliva testing can identify allergies to all gluten-containing grains and cow's milk protein. In my clinical practice, I encourage clients to home test first by monitoring symptoms and eliminating or rotating suspected foods. This is a highly effective way to identify food allergies.

By eliminating foods, rotating foods or eating troublesome foods only at widely spaced intervals, you can keep most food allergens from reaching the critical point and triggering symptoms. It's best to keep a log of foods you eat daily and any symptoms you notice immediately or within 72 hours of ingesting a food.

On an Elimination diet, you avoid the primary suspect, such as wheat or soy, in all its forms for one to four weeks (go as long as you can) to see how you feel. If it feels difficult to let go of this food from your diet, this is a good indication that you may have allergy and addiction. Once you have eliminated the food for a period of time, you eat it again, in generous portions at several meals in one day and note your symptoms. If any troublesome symptoms return, it's a good indication of an allergen.

It's best to work with one food at a time when you follow an Elimination Diet. You may have withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, cravings or headaches within the first few days off the food, but within four to five days you should be feeling better.

If you feel way too attached to foods to even consider eliminating them, the next best step is to try a Rotation Diet. The most common Rotation Diet is the Four Day Rotary Diet, where you eat the offending food only once every four days, trying to eat as little of it as possible on the fourth day. This allows the level of antibodies in your system to subside and will help reduce cravings and some of the unpleasant symptoms you experience.

When you eat a food you are allergic to several times a week, your body is never free of the food and you can never feel completely well or stop the addiction. If you feel extremely resistant to eliminating or rotating certain foods, this may be an indication of emotional issues fueling your overeating. Perhaps you're not ready yet to give up a good (or the only) source of comfort and excitement in your life, even though it's causing health problems, including weight gain. It may be time to consider working with a psychotherapist who specializes in overcoming overeating. She can gently assist you in working through the deeper seated issues that are blocking you from taking the best care of yourself. When you're feeling better about your life, it will be easier to release foods that no longer serve you.