Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dust Mite Encasings - A Possible Reason for Your Morning Allergy Symptoms

Are you waking up in the morning with allergy symptoms such as headache, sneezing, running nose or clogged sinuses? If this is happening regularly every morning, then I would suggest visiting your doctor because you are probably allergic to something around you.

As the dust mites cover pretty much all the area around you while you sleep, one of the common allergies with these symptoms is allergy to dust mites.

What are dust mites?

Dust mites are small, hardly visible bugs about one-third of millimetre big. As they are feeding of human skin, such as flakes from dead skin, they become quite comfortable to live around humans. They live only from two to ten weeks in average, but can lay millions of eggs and can spread quickly. The most common places you would find them are:

- Mattresses, bedding, duvet and pillows
- Carpets and upholstery
- Sofas and sofa pillows

Diseases and allergy to dust mites.

These creatures cannot cause imminent danger by directly threatening your life, but can significantly increase chances of nasty diseases such as asthma or long-term allergies. They can also cause your skin to itch and eczema.

Dust mites prevention.

As these creatures spread very quickly, the best way for prevention is constant eradication and hygiene. There are many ways how to get rid of them naturally.

1. Vacuum cleaning of carpets, sofas and upholstery.

The remains and other dirt produced by mites might cause allergy reactions. Breathing this dirt can clog your lungs, too. In order to get rid of all this dirt, you need to vacuum all places of possible presence regularly.

2. Expose them to extreme temperatures for a certain period of time.

Dust mites have hard time to survive in extreme temperatures. Exposure for longer than 60 minutes is killing them effectively. They will not last in any temperature below 0 or above 60 degrees of Celsius. Therefore:

- Do your laundry at the highest temperature as possible.
- Put your bedding in tumble drier after being washed.
- Iron your pyjamas with steam.
- Put your clothes and bedding outside on frost during cold winters.

3. Use anti dust mite mattresses, duvet and pillows.

Modern technology gives us a hand by fighting these creatures with anti dust mite equipment. These will provide a barrier and protection by preventing the allergen transfers and exposure.

If you are feeling the similar symptoms every morning, then something is not alright. This is a good time to get started. By thorough cleaning of your household environment as described above, you can easily prevent suffering from these nasty creatures and diseases.

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