Sunday, July 21, 2013

Using Brainwave Entrainment To Treat Seasonal Allergies - Success!

It's that time of year again. Itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, the headaches, the just takes all the pleasure out of spring and summer.

Brainwave entrainment, using a meditative frequency, can alleviate or completely diminish allergy symptoms and provide much needed relief. Entrainment effects can be felt almost immediately.

Allergies are caused by an improper response from your immune system to a perceived threat from the environment. If you are stressed or depressed, your immune system is already impaired, so when are an allergen is presented, it overreacts as a way of defending itself. Allergies are triggered by allergens that affect the respiratory system-lungs, nose, mouth, sinuses and the passages. That's when you get the sneezing, watery eyes, runny or clogged nose, coughing, eye, nose, and throat irritation, and conjunctivitis. Any obstruction in the respiratory system can cause a lack of oxygen supply in the body and that never is good, in fact it could prove fatal.

Most common allergens are pollen, dust, molds, food, insect venom, medicines, and latex rubber. Common irritants are smoke (not just cigarette, forest or grass fires too), air pollution, and strong odors (like perfume).

Stress and heightened negative emotions also aggravate allergies, leading to chronic respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis.

How Brainwave Entrainment Helps Allergy Symptoms

  • Allergy symptoms occur from a messed up immune system. Entrainment boosts your immune system, changing the incorrect messages, by stopping the over-production of cortisol, a stress hormone that impairs the immune system.

  • Boosting the immune system improves the health of respiratory passages which improves the body's ability to fight off allergens and infection.

  • Entrainment is a clinically proven stress reducer.

  • Brainwave entrainment helps you relax and control your mind and emotions, thus controlling your allergic reactions. If your emotions are out of control, your attack will be.

  • Entrainment builds up respiratory stamina.

  • A meditative brainwave frequency can reduce inflammation which benefits allergies and many other problems like anxiety disorders, asthma, binge eating, cancer, depression, fatigue, heart disease, high blood pressure, pain, sleep problems, and substance abuse.

  • Research supports that meditative entrainment helps ease allergy and asthma symptoms.

  • When the immune goes into over-drive, various parts of the body become inflamed. Brainwave entrainment can physically and mentally calm and relax the body, and its response to an allergen, which plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation.

Seasonal allergy symptoms can make you tired, very tired, irritable, depressed, and anxious.

Using a specifically designed brainwave entrainment recording in isochronic tones or binaural beats for the purpose of allergy symptom relief has been scientifically proven to be effective and beneficial.

Don't sniffle and suffer anymore. Build up your immune system, bust some stress, and reduce inflammation...and maybe you'll learn to love spring all over again.

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