Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Alcohol Allergy No More

When you drink do you get any of these symptoms of allergies to alcohol?

The wide range of symptoms associated with an allergy to alcohol include the most common red face and red patches on the skin of other parts of the body. An alcohol allergy can be of varying severity from mild and uncomfortable, such as red face, congestion, and itchy skin to intense and dangerous such as trouble breathing and vomiting.

The reason for this reaction to alcohol consumption is the body does not produce enough of an enzyme called Aldehyde Dehydrogenase whose job is to break down alcohol. People refer to this as Asian Alcohol Flush Reaction or Asian Flush for short. Nearly half of the Asian population has this condition which corroborates the idea that the alcohol allergy is indeed genetic.

You have to remember that alcohol is a totally unnatural substance and foreign invader so you could say that people who suffer from alcohol allergy have more finely tuned body defenses. In addition to the mere annoyance these alcohol intolerance symptoms produce on a more serious note your risk for mouth, throat, and stomach, cancer is greatly elevated if you do not do something about it.

There are 3 things you can do to stop the short term symptoms of an allergy to alcohol as well as the long term health risk.

  • Quit drinking. A choice many people would prefer to avoid, at least for now.

  • Take Zantac or Pepcid prior to the consumption of alcohol to reduce allergic reactions but its effectiveness is unreliable and varies from use to use.

  • The 'Asian Glow Cure' will instantly end all of these symptoms of an allergy to alcohol with the added bonus of reducing your hangover the next day as well.

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