Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ways To Treat Allergies - 5 Steps To Take To Minimize Allergy Symptoms

Managing allergies is something that you will have to do until there is finally a cure. But until then here are 5 proactive ways to keep your quality of life high and the allergen levels low.

Clean Up The House---Allergies are one more reason to do this regularly. Clutter and piles are great places for particles to settle. And they do. Even those without allergies are more likely to sneeze and cough when cleaning. That's because movement increases air currents which stir particles back into the air.

By removing piles and minimizing knick knacks you can drastically reduce the number of places particles can settle. This means you are able to clean more thoroughly and really reduce the number of allergens in your indoor air.

Keep humidity and temperatures moderate---Dust mites, and mold and mildew spores are frequent indoor allergens. They all thrive in warm temperatures and need moisture to survive. Limiting the moisture under sinks, in the basement and garage can really help to reduce the places where these allergens can thrive. Keeping indoor temperature cooler (60 degree range) in the winter will also help reduce allergens as well as the energy bill.

In the summer using air conditioning will take moisture out of the air. A dehumidifier can help spaces that are not air conditioned or heated..

Identify Triggers And Avoid Them---Being knowledgeable about what your triggers are, where and when they are most common is a huge step towards a manageable solution. Being aware of when, where, and what you are doing when there is an increase in symptoms will help you pinpoint the likely irritant on your own.

Time of day and time of year are also important to notice. Writing your observations down in a place where you can refer to them will hopefully help you notice patterns about symptoms.

A more reliable way to discover your triggers is to have allergy testing done. They inject small amounts of common allergens with a small needle then watch to see a reaction on the skin. They also keep close watch to prevent an extreme reaction that would require medical attention.

Once you are aware of the triggers you can then decide to have shots that will help desensitize your immune system. This is definitely not a quick fix for the problem, but many people experience noticeable relief that makes it worth it.

Take Advantage Of Quick Acting Medicine---Since there is no cure for allergies being prepared is the next best thing. If you know you are going to have to be outside at a time when your most potent allergen is just waiting to be inhaled by you, or if you're visiting a friend whose warm-blooded pet makes you sneeze check with your local pharmacist for a recommendation about over-the-counter medications that can help.

These are fast-acting but short-lived medications that can drastically reduce symptoms that would normally make you feel anywhere from uncomfortable to unable to stay, got to go. They are effective, cheap, and cause minimal side effects.

Make sure you have the most effective medicine available wherever you go. Keep it in your car, by the bed, in your bag, or in your pocket.. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Filter Your Air---Most allergy symptoms result from sensitivity to multiple triggers found both inside your home and outdoors. A high efficiency particle arresting filter is designed to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particles that are.3 microns or smaller.

This type of filtration is safe and effective. It produces zero ozone and zero ionized particles, both of which remain controversial in terms of their effect on health.

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