Sunday, June 9, 2013

Do You Have Milk Allergy Symptoms or Lactose Intolerance?

Many people often confuse lactose intolerance with milk allergies. Milk allergy symptoms are different from those that are related to lactose intolerance, and they are caused differently. Milk allergies like most allergies are caused by a protein. The immune system over reacts to the protein and tells the body that it is a threat. The symptoms are a result of the body trying to protect itself from the perceived threat. Lactose intolerance is a result of the body not producing enough of the lactase enzyme. When not enough lactase is produced the body has difficulty digesting milk products.

Generally lactose intolerance symptoms are stomach related like cramps, diarrhea, and excess gas. Milk allergies can also cause stomach problems but the symptoms cover a wider spectrum than those of lactose intolerance. Symptoms of a milk allergy can occur instantly or may take up to 24 hours to develop

Milk Allergy Symptoms


Dark circles under eyes

Stomach problems

Skin Rash




Respiratory problems



Eye/Ear irritation

Hyperactivity in young children

Severe reactions may require a epinephrine shot immediately

Avoiding milk products can be hard to do as milk and dairy are contained in so many recipes. The main compnents that should be avoided are whey and casein. Fortunately or should I say unfortunately with milk related allergies be so popular there are many products and even companies that specialize in dairy free products. When cooking at home you can replace milk in recipes with juice, water, soy milk, rice milk or almond milk. Luckily many infants who suffer will out grow their allergy to milk.

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