Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Natural Remedy for Allergy Fights Irritable Symptoms

The natural remedy for allergy can keep your allergic symptoms in check. Instead of relying on and constantly taking the risks of adverse effects of drugs like antihistamines, natural cures for allergic reactions helps dampen your system's reaction to allergens safely and effectively. The moment you are exposed to allergens, symptoms are almost always immediately manifested in the eyes, nose, mouth, lungs and stomach. Common symptoms like watery and red eyes, runny nose, nasal congestion, fatigue, headache, tight feeling in the chest, coughing, nausea and breathing problems can immediately put you under a great deal of misery. Being armed with the knowledge for a? natural remedy for allergy helps you immediately get relief from uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms.

On natural remedy for allergy

Many have found instant relief to allergy by using antihistamines and decongestants. However, long-term use of these drugs may negatively affect health. While these drugs are potent in controlling allergic reactions, side-effects like sleepiness and grogginess can reduce the alertness and concentration of the patient. To allergy suffers who wanted to do away with unwanted side-effects, natural cures for allergy presents an equally effective treatment option. In fact, all-natural cures for allergic reactions can be implemented with simple home items.


The healing wonders of herbs extend to alleviating allergy symptoms. Herbal remedies like red clover and eucalyptus can relieve congestion and loosen mucus. Eucalyptus makes great chest rubs and liniments that relieve pain and calms cough and colds. Red clover makes potent healing teas that exhibit antispasmodic and expectorant properties. Alfalfa offers cold relief and is effective in calming the irritated mucus membranes. Licorice root is good in stimulating the release of hormones that relieve inflammation. Sarsaparilla root, Irish moss, ginger root and bladderwrack are potent immune system boosters.

Not only are herbs an effective defense against nasty allergy symptoms, they also offer more significant health benefits that strengthen the immune system as well as the body's defense against the irritating effects of allergens.

Anti-allergy diet guidelines

To help the body quickly eliminate irritating allergens, increasing fluid and water intake is essential. Fruit juices are good except citrus fruit juices. All vegetables are good to go, but stay away from corn and tomato and tomato-based products. Prefer eating white meat such as turkey and white fish like sole, halibut and swordfish. Stay away from common allergy inducing foods like shellfish, peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and walnuts.

Natural supplements are also helpful in improving allergies. Taking your daily recommended dose of vitamins A, C and E, mineral Zinc and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) plus bioflavanoids should give you potent antioxidants and immune-strengthening nutrients. These nutrients are proven effective in mitigating the impact of allergies as they reduce histamine production, stimulate anti-inflammatory activities and buffer the acidic and other nasty effects of allergy attacks.


For many people, cures for allergic reactions are just a drugstore away. When there are wide assortments of drugs and sprays that offer immediate relief to allergic symptoms, using natural alternatives and natural allergy treatment regimen proves to be the safer and more practical option in resolving this health issue. Unlike drug medications, the natural remedy for allergy poses near zero risk of troubling side-effects. Hence, cheap, convenient and effective natural remedy for allergy offers practical and quick relief to the common discomforts of allergies.

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