Monday, July 15, 2013

Facts About Dog Allergy Symptoms

When a person or an animal is ill, the most important thing is to look carefully for symptoms that occur. Symptoms are caused by illness and can give you a clue what could be wrong. If you have a dog, and your dog have developed allergy to something it could be tricky to read those symptoms because they are very similar to different causes of allergies. However, there are ways to find out what specific dog allergy symptoms are telling you.

Dog allergy symptoms can occur in different times. You must look for the exact time when these problems are happening to your dog and if they are repeating in the same periods. It is a clue for inhalant allergies, caused by pollens, dust mites and molds just as with people. Allergy to pollen will manifest seasonally, during the spring and fall, while allergy caused by molds and dust mites will last through all year. Dog allergy symptoms for this type are sneezing, coughing and watery eyes.

During this seasonal period at the summer, there is a bigger possibility for another type of allergy caused by fleabites. However, dog allergy symptoms for this allergy are much different. It, however, can be mistaken for dog food allergy. Symptoms for dog food allergy are very similar to fleabites. Symptoms for allergy caused by fleabites are severe itching, biting of the tail, stomach and inner legs, hair loss. These types of reaction have a dog that occasionally has fleas. Those that are constantly exposed are immune to it.

Food allergy is when dog is sensitive to one or more ingredients in a food. It is developing over the years of dog's eating the same food. Dog allergy symptoms on certain food ingredients are reflected as, again, itchy skin, constant head shaking, chronic or recurrent ear infections, diarrhea and rarely vomiting, licking front paws, hot spots and skin infections, excessive scratching.

There are probable a lot more allergies caused by different things but whatever the cause for dogs allergies is, it is important to be sure what the symptoms are so that you can rule out one by one cause and bring the right diagnose. If you read the symptoms properly, you will be able to help your dog.

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