Monday, May 27, 2013

Cat Allergy Symptoms In Children

Cat allergy symptoms can happen to lots of people and even kids are not exempted from it. Most of the time, they are the ones who will play with your cats so they are also prone to allergies. You'll see that there are many cat allergy symptoms in children noticeable among them.

If you have kids and cats at home, it's important for you to know the positive symptoms they may experience and start doing something about it. Remember that kids with allergic reactions may find themselves limited in terms of activities at home so you must do something to alleviate their symptoms.

Runny nose and sneezing - This is by far the top symptoms your kid may experience. Primarily, cat dander is able to make its way up to their respiratory system and irritates it. Sneezing is the common physical reaction of the body when it comes to irritation so they would sneeze and even experience congestion at times. For this type of problem, some parents would get medications that are prescribed by physicians to their children. As you know, some over the counter medications may not be suitable to kids so they would prefer to get prescriptions from physicians. Coughing may also occur as a part of its symptoms.

Watery eyes - Just like in the case of pulmonary symptoms, watery eyes are also among the common cat allergy symptoms in children. Cat dander can also irritate the eyes and thus cause its tear glands to secrete tears. Once your kid tells you about this symptom, the firs thing you must do is to keep them from scratching their eyes. They may have played with your cats so their hands may also have dander and may cause them more problems in terms of eye irritation. This is also a mild symptom as they would only cause them to have swollen eyes after shedding tears.

Serious symptoms - The two symptoms mentioned above are mild symptoms but they can also experience serious symptoms that can be fatal for their age. Difficulty breathing is one of them. Make sure to bring them to the physician right away in order to get treatment.

In conclusion, these are some of the cat allergy symptoms in children. Make sure to provide them medication once they experience their symptoms or bring them to the physician once serious symptoms start to occur. Simultaneously, make sure to keep your home clean all the time as it can also be a great help in alleviating its symptoms.

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