Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Types of Antihistamines Available For Allergy Sufferers

At this point in time, there are two types of antihistamines available for allergy sufferers. These medications are commonly sold over-the-counter, but may be obtained by prescription. These medications assist in both the onset of allergy symptoms and the relief of such symptoms.

The two types that are available for those that suffer from moderate to severe allergy symptoms are called "First-Generation" and "Second-Generation". In most instances, these antihistamines are combined with specially designed medications that assist in relieving pain and acting as a decongestant. In this guide, you will learn information pertaining to each of these types.


When purchasing antihistamines that are considered to be First-Generation, you should expect to experience side effects such as becoming tired and a form of drying that relates to the nasal and sinus cavities. Most of the older brands on the market are identified as First-Generation. Examples of this type of antihistamine drug include, but are not limited, to the following:

• Benadryl Allergy

• Dimetapp

• Vicks NyQuil


If you want an allergy medication that does not produce the same side effects, such as becoming tired, you will likely benefit from antihistamines that are considered to be Second-Generation.

Many allergy sufferers have discovered that medications that fall into this type are stronger and are easily able to combat the symptoms associated with allergies more effectively than those medications that classify as First-Generation. Examples of this type of allergy medication include but are not limited to the following:

• Alavert

• Claritin

• Zystec


The symptoms associated with common allergies are quite challenging for many sufferers. The symptoms include congestion, a cough, eyes that are irritated and watery, sneezing, and even headaches. The two types of antihistamines available for today's sufferer are those that are considered to be First-Generation and those identified as Second-Generation.

When working to eliminate your symptoms, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages associated with each type so that you may select the most appropriate medication for your needs.

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