Friday, June 28, 2013

Keratosis Pilaris a Possible Allergy Symptom

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition, where the skin on the back and outer sides of the upper arms are rough and bumpy. It can also appear almost anywhere else on the body, especially on the thighs and tops of legs. It does not generally occur on palms or soles of feet.

It can be related to an allergy, including a gluten allergy.

It is also called chicken skin because it resembles goose bumps. Many people are unaware they have this condition, confusing it with acne, especially when it appears on the face.

There are several types of this skin condition:

Keratosis pilaris rubra red, inflamed bumps.

Keratosis pilaris alba rough, bumpy skin with no irritation.

Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii reddish rash on the cheeks.

The condition can become more of an irritated rash. Scratching it can make is spread.

It affects an estimated 40% of the adult population, and up to 80% of adolescents.

It is causes by an excess of keratin (a skin pigment) in the body. The excess keratin a cream coloured substance, collects in the hair follicles, blocking them and forming hard plugs. You can feel this as hard bumps.

Dry conditions make it worse, which is why it is often worse in the winter.

No medically accepted cause is known, but anecdotal evidence suggests that it can be related to diet and allergies in some cases.

Some people find that gluten may be a trigger, caused by a gluten allergy or by celiac. In this case, a gluten-free diet will clear up this problem, along with many other symptoms.

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