Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Loose Leaf Tea - To Help With Allergy Symptoms While Being Caffeine Free

Loose leaf teas are not bagged or placed in any outer enclosure for brewing purposes when purchased. Many teas are contained within bags for ease of brewing, but these teas are normally not as enticing due to the fact of severe processing steps taking away the loose leaf tea's flavors and aroma.

Loose leaf teas fall into many categories including red tea, green tea, black tea, white tea, pu-erh tea, oolong tea, herbal teas and organic teas. Red teas are known to slow the aging process and to help with allergy symptoms while being caffeine free and helping with kidney stones. Red teas are known for the lack of caffeine, low tannin levels and the high levels of antioxidants like aspalathin and nothofagin. Red loose leaf teas are thought to help with digestive troubles and are known to be used in South Africa to help with colic, allergies and asthma as well as skin disorders.

Green leaf teas are made only with the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, and do not undergo the oxidation that many other teas take part in. Originating in China, many varieties exist due to growing conditions and the time of harvest. Green loose leaf tea is thought to lower the chances of heart disease and fight against some types of cancer.

Black loose leaf teas are more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas. Black tea has a stronger flavor and has more caffeine, and is made up of 2 types of leaves including the C. sinensis sinensis and the C. sinensis assamica. Black teas are called crimson teas in China, due to the color of the brew, and are known to help reverse endothelial vasomotor dysfunction, and decrease cardiovascular troubles.

White leaf teas are known to help clear complexions, and have the highest concentration of antioxidants and anti-cancer properties of any tea. White loose leaf teas are uncured and unoxidized and normally have buds and younger tea leaves, and more caffeine than other teas. The most popular types are the Da Bai or large white, and the Xiao Bai or small white leaves of the Narcissus and Chaicha bushes.

Pu-Erh teas are known to help cleanse the blood, aid in helping diabetics control blood sugar and remove toxins in the body as well as improve eyesight. Also known as the bolay tea, this is a large leaf variety and is named after the Pu'er county in China. Much like a green tea, this tea can be consumed after being aged for many years to perfect the flavor. Rarity and flavor makes this tea a target for counterfeiters, this tea is known to be expensive only when the age and identity cause the buyer to know it is genuine.

Oolong teas are among the most drank in the U.S. and is known for helping the skin, teeth and bones due to fluoride content as well as helping with digestion. Reducing the risk of hypertension and aiding in weight loss and metabolism are only a few of the health properties it can boast. The distinct blue-green tint makes this semi-oxidized tea one of a kind.

Herbal leaf teas are known to help gain a restful sleep and aids in digestion, as well as relieves cold symptoms and helps with nausea. Herbal teas are also known as tisane or ptisan teas are words used to refer to infusions that are made from things other than tea leaves. Many are made with fresh and dried flowers, seeds and roots that are known to have healing qualities of their own.

To Buy or Try a Sample Please Go To - http://www.redleaftea.com/

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