Friday, August 23, 2013

What Does Having a Corn Allergy Really Mean?

Living with a corn allergy isn't fun and games, that's for sure. There are the undeniable symptoms that set in shortly after eating anything with corn in it. I start to feel my ankle swelling first usually. A little tingle, then it's off to the races. My nose gets stuffy, and then I start to feel really tired. My breathing appears to slow down and I am down for the count. Others may have different symptoms such as shiners, bad breath, eczema, problems losing weight, stomach aches, constipation or more. Most people do not end up in the emergency room like a severe peanut allergy.

Having a mild to moderate corn allergy is much more insidious, in my opinion, than having a painfully obvious severe allergy. An undetected allergy whittles away at one's quality of life. It's just unbearable; always feeling tired, always struggling with overeating, sinus infections, moodiness or just basically feeling and looking rotten. In many ways, I think it's worse because it is most likely the most undiagnosed allergy in the United States. Why? Because it is in everything, people don't know how it feels to live without eating corn.

My symptoms cleared up within about three days. I must admit that I craved foods with corn in them for a very long time, however. Once I quit eating corn and all corn derivatives, it seems that my body was able to start healing. I lost about 40 lbs, I have a lot more energy and I am not struggling with the dreaded brain fog. It's not that my health is at 100%, but I am on my way to healthier living to be sure.

How do you know if you are allergic to corn? You can go to your doctor and ask for a test. That may be the fastest most accurate way to know. You can also just quit eating anything with corn in it for about a week and see how you feel. If you feel better, than it makes sense to omit corn. Of course, you can apply this concept to other foods too.

There may be a genetic component to all of this. I have received many emails from others who have similar backgrounds. Almost all appear to be of English, Irish or German decent. Many claim that their mothers or fathers are also allergic. One of my sons is also allergic to corn. Take a look around your family for signs that they might be suffering from the same symptoms. It may be a clue.

My point to writing all of this is that people need to take their health into their own hands. Your doctor is not responsible for your health. You are! Take charge and talk to your doctor directly. Insist on being tested or getting help. If your doctor isn't listening, find one who will. No one should have to live like I did. No one should have to suffer for years on end needlessly. If you don't feel like you are operating at 100% find out why, because you deserve to live well.

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