Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cat Hair Allergy Symptoms - Proper Prevention And Knowledge Are The Keys

Many people are experiencing symptoms of cat allergy. Most of the time, the main cause of cat allergy is their hair. They can come in tiny particles that can enter the body, cause irritation and show cat hair allergy symptoms.

Cat allergies can have lots of symptoms and if you have these feline pets at home so you must know them and what to do for relief. Here are these symptoms and what you can do.

Pulmonary symptoms like sneezing, runny nose and difficulty breathing are common among people with this allergy. The first two symptoms are generally milder so it can be treated with antihistamines that can be obtained even without prescriptions. In addition, lesser exposure to cats can also lessen the occurrence or these cat allergy symptoms. However, some symptoms like difficulty breathing and wheezing can be considered as more severe so it's highly advisable to get medical help once these occur. The physicians, aside from treating them, may even offer other methods that can help them be free from these symptoms like immunotherapy.

Itchy skin can also occur after being exposed to these pets. Usually, skin will not only be itchy but may also rise after being scratched. Once these cat hair allergy symptoms occurred, it's essential for them not to scratch it or touch it with their hands especially if they've touched their pet. Their hands may also have this dander and can make the irritation more serious than before. All they need to do is to wash these parts with hot water which the skin can bear in terms of temperature and soap. In this way, you can clean it out from all the dander. For more serious condition, topical medications coming from these physicians or over the counter will also work to alleviate them.

But if you want to totally prevent these symptoms but still don't want to dispose of your pet, what you can do is to assign a place where they should stay. Instead of letting them stay inside, you can set a place for them outdoors so their hair will not get into your upholstery and make you experience these symptoms regularly. In addition, keep your home and pet clean all the time to avoid this problem.

Cat hair allergy symptoms can happen but with proper prevention and knowledge about it, you can take care of these symptoms and live happily with your pet just like what you planned.

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