Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How to Prevent Latex Allergies: Main Points Covered In Latex Allergy Training

Some people develop an allergy to proteins found in latex rubber. Being regularly exposed to these proteins increases the chance of developing an allergy. However, the exact amount of exposure required to cause a full-blown allergy is still unknown. People who are sensitive may experience symptoms soon after exposure, while others experience them hours later. Mild cases of latex allergies produce symptoms such as hives, redness, itching, and rash. More severe cases involve the respiratory system and symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose; itchy eyes, sore throat, and asthma are seen. In highly severe cases the victim may go into shock, but this is quite rare.

Latex gloves are used day in and day out by healthcare workers. Hence, they are at a greater risk of developing this allergy. Healthcare employers are required to arrange training for their employees to educate them about protective measures to prevent such allergies.

Here are a few measures that healthcare employees can take to prevent latex exposure and allergies.

• For activities that do not involve direct contact with infectious items, like general maintenance and routine housekeeping, use non-latex gloves.

• If dealing with potentially infectious or infectious materials, you need latex gloves as they provide adequate protection. However, opt to use the powder free ones with least amount of proteins. As these gloves have a fairly low amount of latex protein, they decrease the risk of developing allergies.

• Follow these procedures to decrease your chances of developing a allergy to latex products:

- Make sure you do not use oil-based hand lotions as they cause the gloves to deteriorate.

- Once you finish your work, remove the gloves and wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

- Areas and equipment that may be frequently contaminated with latex powder must be cleaned regularly.

• Attend the training program provided by your healthcare organization and understand and follow all the procedures to prevent such allergies.

• Learn how to identify the symptoms and get immediate treatment to avoid complications like asthma and shock.

If you begin to experience symptoms like itching, rash, redness, and hives; stop using latex gloves and other latex products until you have consulted a doctor.

If the doctor confirms that you have latex allergy then follow these precautions:

• Avoid all contact with latex products.

• Inform your employer and colleagues that you are suffering from this condition.

• Avoid being in places where there is a chance of you inhaling the powder from gloves used by other employees.

• If possible, wear a medical alert pin or bracelet.

To prevent long-term effects of the allergy, it is essential that you consult a doctor as soon as you begin experiencing symptoms. Once you develop the allergy you need to take specific precautions to protect yourself. Medications are helpful but the most effective treatment is to completely avoid latex products.

You will learn all this and more in a latex allergy training program. Healthcare workers, especially those who use latex gloves daily, must attend this course for their own benefit.

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