Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Gluten Intolerance Symptoms: 5 Things To Look For!

If you think you may have gluten intolerance, then you may be experiencing some of the following symptoms. I'm here to discuss with you the symptoms of gluten intolerance.

If you have come to the conclusion that you may be gluten intolerant, I want to take the time to say, "Congratulations." So many people have this disease, but so many people seem to ignore the fact that they do. Now, there is a huge difference between being full-blown celiac, and just having an intolerance to gluten, although in both cases, many of the symptoms will be the same. Today, I want to talk to you about the symptoms that you may be experiencing, if you're gluten intolerant.

1. Diarrhea. If you're experiencing diarrhea on a consistent basis, and it's due to some kind of food allergy, then there's a good chance that you're either gluten intolerant, or lactose intolerant. If you have diarrhea on a consistent basis, then there's a definite problem, and it's extremely important that you visit your doctor right away.

2. Tiredness. For me, when I eat gluten, I am tired all of the time. But this isn't a normal kind of tiredness. Personally, I am not a lazy person, but when I consume gluten, I feel extremely foggy and lethargic. Focusing on something as simple as a video game can become extremely challenging. In severe cases, you may get to the point to where you just need to lay down, or sleep all day. Like I said, doing the most simple tasks can be extremely difficult, and really, you feel like all you want to do is sleep for almost the whole day.

3. Heart Palpitations. Some people who have an intolerance to gluten may experience heart palpitations, especially after eating. Although this isn't a severe symptom, it can be annoying.

4. Swollen Glands. This is something that I have most recently began experiencing. Although this is a common sign of being gluten intolerant, or having some kind of food allergy, for me, this symptom actually only began recently occurring. With that being said, I think there may be another reason for me developing this symptom, but regardless, swollen neck glands can occur if you're intolerant to gluten. I have personally noticed that swollen neck glands can make breathing a little uncomfortable. Also, your throat may feel tight, to a certain extent.

5. Hunger Pangs. If you have never been truly hungry before, then developing hunger pangs can be a relatively shocking symptom. I'm a relatively healthy man, eating 6 to 7-500 calorie meals a day. I have to eat between 3,000 to 3,500 calories each day because of the fitness program that I am following. When I consume a lot of gluten-based foods, the hunger pangs are almost unbearable. You may find that no matter how much you eat, you just don't get full. While experiencing hunger pangs, I have consumed 1,500 calories in 1 hour, without feeling relieved. Folks, I am 6-feet-tall, and 160 pounds. Eating 1,500 calories in 1 sitting is practically impossible for someone my size.

If you're gluten intolerant, the most common symptom is probably going to be diarrhea, gas, and bloating. Although, you may also experience some of the other symptoms that I have discussed above.

It's extremely important to also know that just because you experience the above symptoms it does not mean you have an intolerance to gluten. There are a number of other medical conditions that you could have.

At the end of the day, it's a good idea to make an appointment to see your doctor. Get tested for gluten intolerance and celiac, and get all of your regular blood work done. If everything comes back normal, your doctor will probably tell you to go on a gluten free diet anyway, for the gluten/celiac test can sometimes show a false negative. If you completely stop consuming gluten for 30 to 60 days, and your symptoms disappear, then there's a good chance that you are gluten intolerant.

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