Monday, July 29, 2013

Allergy to Alcohol - Do You Get Red Faced When Drinking Alcohol?

Do you also suffer from allergy to alcohol (red face, red patches on neck, chest, arms, legs, rapid heartbeat, nausea, intense sensation of congestion and bloating, dizziness) like I did?

I use to suffer myself. All my friends would laugh at my face and joke about it (blushing related jokes), but I was always sick and had a hangover even if i drank a little bit the night before. My hangovers were way worse than they should have been. I then stumbled across a web site which explained everything to me.

The reason for my sickly symptoms when I drank alcohol was...

Some of the symptoms of a hangover are caused by the effect of un metabolized acetaldehyde in the blood stream, which occurs when the livers ability to process the alcohol is overloaded. You see most people produce a chemical called aldehyde dehydrogenase which aids the body in the process of digestion and eliminate of alcohol and its byproducts. In people who suffer from these symptoms the symptoms occur because of a deficiency of the aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme in your digestive system, making alcohol toxic to your body. The key to eliminating the symptoms is to stop the build-up of acetaldehyde.

What I found I was able to successfully do to end the alcohol allergy misery.

You will be happy to hear that we can now breath a sigh of relief because there are products available that can be used to treat the symptoms of the Asian Flush and alcohol red face reaction disorder extremely effectively.

The real alcohol allergy cure and alcohol red face reaction is one that attacks the symptoms of the alcohol red face reaction from the root of their cause all the way to the treatment of the actual symptoms themselves.

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