Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wheat Allergy Symptoms - Is it Wheat Allergies Or Wheat Intolerance?

Wheat allergy symptoms are often confused with wheat intolerance symptoms. There is a difference between the two. Wheat allergies cause a severe reaction when it is consumed. These symptoms can include coughing, vomiting and trouble breathing. These allergies can also cause life threatening responses such as anaphylaxis.

True wheat allergies are not very common and are usually found in small children rather than adults. Children may outgrow these allergies and be able to eventually include it in their diets. When adults think they have a allergy, it is usually an intolerance.

Wheat intolerance which is usually caused by sensitivity to gluten (a protein which is found in wheat, barley, rye and some other grains) is very common. As many as fifteen percent of all people have this intolerance.

The majority of people eat wheat so often that they are not even aware that this is what is causing problems. If you suffer from any of the below symptoms of allergies or intolerance you should eliminate it completely from your diet for thirty days and see if the problems go away. Some people immediately feel better when they remove it from their diets. It is included in many different food products, so make sure you read the labels of all foods very carefully.

Here are a few of the most common Allergy And Intolerance Symptoms

Arthritis - Stomach Bloating - Chest Pain - Mood swings - Depression - Diarrhea - Skin problems such as Eczema or Psoriasis - Dizziness - Joint pain - Muscle Aches - Nausea - Heart Palpitations - Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms - Fatigue - Coughing - Itchy Eyes and Runny Nose - Headaches

Eliminating wheat from your diet will relieve these symptoms if you are suffering from wheat allergies or intolerance. It may take you a while to get used to eating this type of diet, but in the long run it will improve your health and well being.

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