Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mild Cat Dander Allergy Symptoms And Its Preventions

Looking closely, cats also shed out dander or hairs which can irritate a person. Hence, you can say that cat dander allergy symptoms are somehow similar with regular pollen allergic reactions. You may sneeze because of exposure as they can irritate your lungs and nasal cavity.

These symptoms are among the common ones experienced by people but as long as you know what they are, you can get treated with the help of physicians or modest approaches. Here are these symptoms that you must take note to get treated immediately.

Aside from just sneezing, you may also experience difficulty breathing especially if you have lots of cats at home. Just like in sneezing, this symptom is also caused by dander on their skin. As you know, cats are normally clean but they don't take a bath and cleaning themselves is not enough to take care of dander. This dander will then irritate several parts of the body and thus start these allergic reactions.

In addition to breathing difficulties, watery eyes are also among the cat dander allergy symptoms you'll experience. Just like the pulmonary symptoms, the dander can also irritate your eyes and cause your tear glands to produce tears. Aside from tears, you may also experience itchiness on your eyes and thus result to scratching them.

Third, itching skin is also another symptom that you have to watch out for these symptoms. Of course, you may play with your pet cat a lot and getting in contact with them too much so your skin is the first one affected. At this point, you may experience rashes and itching but make sure not to scratch them too much to avoid wounds.

Looking at these symptoms in general will indicate that they are just mild symptoms that a person can experience. However, it doesn't mean that you must endure them all the time. You can consult a physician in order to obtain the right medications and be free from these symptoms. Finally, you can also do other procedures that will help control these like neutering your male cat or keeping your house clean.

These cat dander allergy symptoms are very mild compared to what others experience. And with the right procedures and medications, you can take care of these symptoms and even prevent its occurrence for a longer period of time. Knowing these symptoms and early prevention will keep you from developing extreme symptoms that may affect your daily functioning like asthma-like attacks.

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