Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Recognizing Symptoms of Mold Exposure

If you or someone you love has been exposed to mold, there are many symptoms that will present themselves. While obvious, they often go unchecked because they're very similar to the ones of health problems that aren't as serious like the cold or flu. Naturally any recurring health problem is usually a sign of a more serious problem, in this case it could mean that you have a mold infestation in your home.

The first defense you have in the fight against mold is to familiarize yourself with the symptoms. This is the biggest tool you have to protect yourself against the dangers of exposure to mold.

Prevention of mold exposure can be done through home testing by a professional. This can be a costly procedure, but it is an investment well worth the money. Mold can, in rare cases, cause death so it's very important to prevent recurring mold exposure since the problems tend to get more severe with each outbreak.

Physical Symptoms

There are numerous physical signs of an exposure to mold. Some them can be extremely mild like a mild allergy outbreak. Other signs can be more severe and include seizures and upper respiratory infections. The more toxic the mold, the more severe symptoms you'll experience. The same holds true if you're repeatedly exposed to mold for longer periods of time.

After mold exposure you may experience brittle nails and hair loss. Cold-like feelings like a stuffy nose, runny nose and sore throat are also common. You may experience frequent nosebleeds. On the more alarming end of continuing mold contact, you may get cancer, experience anaphylaxis (trouble breathing), have reproductive organ complications or loose large amounts of weight. If the more serious symptoms of mold exposure get worse, there is also the risk of death. This is rare, but not impossible.

Psychological Symptoms

Signs of mold contact can also affect your psychological health. You might loose your memory abilities. There's the possibility of an increased risk of anxiety and depression. Fatigue can be a problem, as can insomnia. These are often misdiagnosed and improperly treated. Medications used to treat these without dealing the cause will produce little or no results. Left untreated, there's the potential that they become more serious physical problems that could lead to death.

Treatment Of Symptoms

Symptoms of mold exposure have, in the past, been diagnosed as other health problems because they appear to be another non-mold related problem. Misdiagnosis will most of the time result in more serious health problems. You may be affected with mold fungi if you've been treated for any of the above treatments, but haven't received any relief.

If you're finding that you're constantly sick, or a family member who lives with you is regularly sick, you may have a mold problem, especially if the medical treatments don't seem to be working. It may be a good idea to get your home inspected by a professional mold inspector.

Mold doesn't need to be toxic to inflict you and your family with the symptoms. For your own piece of mind, it's always a good idea to have your home regularly inspected for mold. Doing so could prevent serious problems of mold exposure later on.

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